Good day dear readers, these 3 reasons to love yourself as a medical student avert depression and enhance selflove. Read through each time you look at the (maybe) unlovable being in you.
As medical students, you have no other choice than to task fractions of yourself to work effectively. You have to maximize every little piece to meet every lit goal. These reasons keep you going.
The Golden Reasons
1) As A Medical Student; You Are Unique
Being a medical student is always a valor to write home about, though not a doctor yet. The enthusiasm that comes with this is an art that portrays extraordinary strength in you, the ordinary being.
As a medical student, you develop the potential to solve and withstand obstacles that would have never been imagined.
You juggle between ordeals that sharpen, advance you, and make you a mastermind. These are the essence and reasons to never feel depressed but smear love for every fraction of yourself
2) As A Medical Student; You Are Better Than You Think
This is to all medical students whose lives revolve around the four walls of college. Shuffling the cards of life challenges to life coping skills, from incourses to medical board exams and other adventures that keep popping up. Yet, you still strive to overcome all these challenges and get the very best out of all situations. This is a cogent reason to see oneself as being better than you thought or imagined.
“The higher you go, the cooler it becomes,” they will say. This is modified in our field; “the higher you go, the tougher it becomes”, we will say.
However, loving oneself aids you to grow better and overcome the tougher times. As you have reasons to push forward with selflove, the journey gets easier.
3) As A Medical Student; You Are Never A Failure
Even though college comes with its ups and downs. Experiencing downfall as a medical student never makes you a failure. You are bestowed with the resilience to overcome obstacles.
Each step should be restructured to get a better achievement. Though you might not have it so easy all the time sometimes, you have chances to get things done in a more productive way. Love yourself for the better person you’re becoming.
The circumstances we must go through before being successful may sometimes make us feel depressed or unloved. But not anymore; this piece highlights reasons to you should love yourself more!
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