Everyone knows that one person in college who seems to always look polished and put together no matter what preclinical school throws at them. They could wear a…

How Dressing the Part Impacts Medical Practice
With dressing comes an Identity. A person can easily tell who you are or what you are about by simply evaluating your looks. Ward coats and scrubs are…

Med School should not make you lose your ‘Steeze’
“Don’t let med school make you lose your steeze” = “Don’t let med school scrub away your personal style!” Just as a doctor scrubs into surgery, med school…

Fashion Triumphing Function: The Met Gala 2024!!
Imagine a gown so breathtakingly delicate and beautiful, it requires a team of men to help you walk. A gown so intricate, that it needs to be carefully…

The Casual Style: Dress Code 101
Welcome to today’s fashion crash course on casual dress codes. “ What do I wear?” is a question we ask ourselves almost everyday and more desperately when attending…
Caps and Ties Indeed, caps, unlike ties, have always been indiscriminate and empty of prejudice since the beginning of time. Nonetheless, they are usually subject to discrimination by…
Six Ways to Make Them Look
It does not matter if I have Gucci on, neither does it matter if I have Louis Vuitton. Heck, you cannot even see me because I’m hidden behind…
There are notable attributes that characterize Ladies of the Regency era. They include an upright posture, cinched waists, enhanced hips and heaving bosoms. The item responsible for…
My Extraterrestrial Agbádá is Oxymoronic
You are highly welcome to where the sun of fashion rises and sets to usher in the bright moon around which everyone gathers to listen to the endless…