
My Stupid Heart

Prisca couldn’t get over him. He was her dream come true. Her heart skipped at his sight. Consequently, these thoughts ran through her mind as she soaked her…

You Can Just Give Me The BSc, You Know?

We have heard stories from different alumni of this great citadel of learning. But one story stands out, for the purpose of this post. And that’s the story…



Hey there, it is another opportunity to meet the wonderful personality of IFUMSA—a member of the part 5 constituency. Join me as I make welcome, Akinbamidele Akintunde. MEDIVOICE:…

In The Silence — Entwined

You are loved, regardless. Your swaying trunks, like a gentle breeze, muse me. Your delicate leaves comfort me; I wonder how strong you could be, yet your strength…

Did I Really Cause This?

Waking up to see a new day is supposed to be a joy/give a sense of comfort and freshness I guess, but this was not my case. Going…

Dealing With Mental Health As A Medical Student

There is something that hearing some statements does to your mental health as a medical student. Imagine hearing a Professor tell you in your first year that starting…

Food for an early morning class

5 Quick Foods For An Early Morning Class

Let’s find you quick, healthy foods. The time is 6 am. You grudgingly get up from your bed after being hesitant for about 15 minutes. Your stomach rumbles,…

Trying to survive

We’re All Just Trying to Survive

You’ve all heard a lot about med school. If you’re in it, you know this one universal truth: stress is inevitable. If you’re not stressed, people might question…

Nativity and Behaviour: Labels and Stereotypes

Sometimes, they are the subtlest undertones unsuspectingly lacing humorous remarks. Some other times, they are the elephant in the room that you cannot just ignore. They seem to…


IQDC Competition Winners – ILUMSA

Hello MediVoice readers, you must have heard tales of Medicus, the inter MSA quiz that IQDC organized recently. We spoke to the winners of the quiz and this…