Transitioning from the faculty of science to the preclinical one class is something we all have either looked forward to or dreaded at one point or the other in our academic journey.
“Solving Serway Physics textbook is nothing compared to sacrificing your life on the altar of anatomy and physiology”
“Cadaver twice a week is the real deal, not zoology practical”
It is common to hear these or similar statements when part 2 students are highlighting the glories of Health Sciences to the freshers.
We are not here to debate a tested fact: surviving in college is no joke. However, was the part 1 class all smooth and rosy for our college freshmen? How do they feel about being “initiated” into the College of Health Sciences system? Let us see what a number of them have to say.
MEDIVOICE: 1. What was your experience like in part 1?
2. Are you eager to start the next class? What are your expectations for the preclinical 1 class?
3. Do you have fears about the class?
4. From what you must have heard about the class, what do you think your favorite course will be?
- I think it was exciting, fun and interesting. From boring 8 AM SER classes to crazy zoo practicals. Certainly some memories to treasure along the way too.
- Yes, I am. Not sure I’m ready though. I hope it isn’t as gruesome as it’s been said to be. Be that as it may, the ultimate goal is to pass my MB and proceed to preclinical 2 class.
- No, I don’t. Fear doesn’t help anyone, it makes even the best of us inadequate.
- I think it depends on personal experience, so I guess I’ll have to find out when I get there too. But it’s not looking good for anatomy. – Abdullah
Without starting the journey, Abdullah has started writing anatomy off. Is the “Almighty anatomy syndrome” at work already?
Let’s hear from Oluyemi.
- My experience in Part 1 was both challenging and rewarding. The early morning SER classes and practicals, navigating and adapting to the school system and events. It was definitely worth it and I made sure I savored each moment.
- Yes, I’m eager to start the next class, especially to build on the knowledge I’ve already gained. My expectation for Part 2 is that it will be intense but valuable in preparing us for the clinical class and medical practice.
- Yes definitely from what I heard from seniors. As for the fears, I think the reading pace, and volume of the material could be daunting, but I’m ready to tackle it head on.
- As for my favorite course, based on what I’ve heard, I believe my favorite course might be physiology. Though it is too early to know now, I find it fascinating and interesting. –Oluyemi.
Attending events as a freshman will always be the “experience”, and it looks like Oluyemi enjoyed the experience. And his view of the preclinical 1 class? That’s the spirit! Tackling the new class head on and seeing the big picture. What about Queen, our dear Miss Freshman? How did she feel about the part 1 class?
- It was fun, it taught me I am capable of more than I think I do, academically it wasn’t easy at first but it ended well, Glory to God
- Yes. To learn new things and gain more insights
- Not really but I’m nervous cos I’ve heard quite a lot of things about preclinicals
- Biochemistry. –Queen.
Hmmm, it looks like almost everyone has heard one or two things about the preclinical classes. However, it is one thing to hear things about the class and yet another to experience the class. How has Kuti’s experience been? We’ll have to see.
- Part 1 was not bad bad..I guess I had enough time to get settled into the school. Plus I enjoyed myself😌😂..well not as much as some ppl though.
- Eager keh?…. I’m okay with when it comes abeg
- Well to an extent, the fear of the unknown is there.
- Hmm…maybe Physiology. –Kuti
This is a first as we can see. Kuti is not rushing to start the class. I am sure that many freshly baked part 2 Chiefs can empathize with his feelings. Who knows? The news of the incoming shege must be getting to him already. “Pre traumatic stress?”
“By the way, Kuti is the second student looking forward to enjoying the heartbeats and blood group of physiology. Hopefully they will have fun learning about ECG waves and the process of digesting rice and beans. Do you know that someone else feels the same way as Kuti? Let’s hear from Ebonytemmie:
- Part 1 was interesting yet challenging. Full of ups and downs. My first semester was the most challenging but having settled into the school system, the second semester was much better.
- To be very honest, I’m not. Academically, spiritually, mentally, financially, think of anything “ally” right now. 😂 Hopefully I’ll be soon, to face the real phase of shege.
- This is a new phase that I’m not prepared for, yet. But I’m sure I wouldn’t be spooked. More sleepless nights, academic danger, heartbreaks, and more ‘shege’.
- I don’t think I’ll have one. I’m more on getting each one right and surviving in college. –Ebonytemmie.
It looks like Ebonytemmie is preparing for the worst and she is not in any way ready for the class, but let’s be honest: can anyone ever be a hundred percent ready for college? How does Motilayo feel about the preclinical 1 class?
- Hmm, I’d say part 1 was quite okay for me. While it wasn’t overly challenging, it did have its frustrating moments, particularly with some departments. The coursework was demanding, but it provided a solid foundation in the basics of medicine. Overall, I appreciated the supportive environment from my peers, which made the journey more manageable and enjoyable.
- Actually, I have mixed feelings about starting preclinical 1. My expectations are to develop a stronger understanding of the preclinical aspects of medicine, while also managing the increased workload. I hope to strike a balance and not get overwhelmed by the demands of the course.
- Like any new phase, I do have some apprehensions. One of my main concerns is balancing the increased workload and ensuring I grasp all the new concepts effectively. However, I believe that with dedication, proper time management, and support from colleagues and mentors, these fears can be managed.
- Anatomy, I guess. –Motilayo.
Motilayo has spoken like someone ready for the class. Her words could pass for advice from a senior colleague. She has also benefited from and understands the importance of having a support system in navigating medical school. No one would agree less.
Let’s hear from the next person.
- Part 1 was initially stressful, especially the practicals, as I adapted to the new system. However, once I understood what was required to thrive, the experience became better.
- Yes and no. There’s the mixed feelings of anticipation, excitement, and sometimes fear. From what I’ve heard, I expect a challenging journey that requires hard work. Nevertheless, by God’s grace, and with determination and resilience, I am confident that I will make the most of it.
- Yes, sometimes it’s natural to fear the unknown. Despite hearing others’ stories, I believe everyone has a unique experience. I’ll face my fears head-on.
- I’m not sure yet. I might not enjoy every course, but I’ll do what’s necessary. I’ll approach each course with an open mind and make the most of it. –Mologram.
Those were words of wisdom from Mologram. A statement everyone should put into cognisance in offering advices is that everyone has a unique experience, and that’s what Mologram has stated.
Shaba has some words for us from his observation about the preclinical 1 class.
- Part 1 was great and nice, no pressure to attend Classes except for SER. As we were told to do during our orientation, I enjoyed my Part 1 very well.
- Yes, I am eager. I know it is going to be difficult but I have much confidence that with the help of God and the support of all my seniors and colleagues that I will succeed excellently.
- I have a lot of fears. Sometimes when I hear about the struggles of my seniors who are very hardworking it makes me ask myself ‘Am I really ready for this?’, but they are still resilient and still going hard and strong at it, this is my motivation when these fears arise.
- I think Physiology will be my favorite for now based on all I have heard. –Shaba.
It seems that this Physiology course has a good PR to it, maybe it has had many speak well for it. Or should we say it has spoken for itself, as many seem to tend towards having it as a possible favorite? Let’s see how it goes. Will it remain a people’s favorite in the Invictus class?
- Hmm part 1! I enjoyed part 1 as it was fun filled even though it was kind of hectic, ut we thank God.
- Actually a mixed feeling. Yes because I want to enter college proper,you know what I mean right? lol. No because we have heard a lot from seniors, shege this shege that. Hmm, I’ll just give it my best shot and I see God helping me.
- Not really.
- This question is for shanas o,lol! Hmm I will say Anatomy. –Pizzle
Like Pizzle, everyone hopes for the best in a new class, right?
We have seen how our college freshmen feel about the new phase of their life. We also have an inkling into what the class’ favorite course might be.
In a couple of weeks, another journey will begin. Then, they will see for themselves if all they’ve heard about the preclinical 1 class are just hearsays and exaggerations. It will take experiencing the class to determine if the complaint of college chiefs in the form of social media rantings is just a scratch on the surface, the tip of the iceberg.
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