Sometimes It Isn’t Laziness, It Is Fear

Fear, let’s talk about it. This is going to be a very short opinion piece, and it will be worth your time. Trust me.

Fear has a way of playing tricks on one’s mind, especially the uninitiated one. It lurks around, camouflaging itself as something such as procrastination.

There are tight deadlines to meet, yet you keep postponing pending tasks. You engage in other activities instead of the real work, even after making promises to do what needs to be done. You blame your shortcomings on laziness. But maybe it‘s about time you looked past the façade, and faced the “fear”, as it tugs your heart and holds you back.

Fear of rejection, of not being enough, of falling far below expectations and so on. You let all these ruin your chances, and make you a deadline-defaulter. This continues until you are pushed to the walls with no results to show forth. Don’t let it hold you back from numerous possibilities and greatness.

This same fear makes you underestimate yourself and lose opportunities. It gives you low self esteem. And it makes you feel like you and everything you do is inadequate. That, of course, isn’t true. It’s all just its way of drowning your potentialities.

It’s high time you addressed the real issue here: FEAR. That way, you can stop the blame game, and avoid fighting the wrong battles. Sometimes, it’s not laziness, it’s fear. And you need to get rid of it, or even seek expert care, if you must.


Lastly, don’t let fear sink your life’s boat. With proper planning and intentionality, even a short time frame with deadlines is enough to achieve lots of goals.

It was short, wasn’t it? If you enjoyed or related with this opinion piece, you might want to check here for more.

Have a wonderful week ahead. Çiao.

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