Interesting Animal Hybrids 2

This week’s article on interesting hybrids is a continuation of the previous piece on carnivoran hybrids (check it out here). It features a broader variety comprising insects, cetaceans…

IFUMSA Quiz and Debate Club's Send-Forth

Farewell, Febrile Chiefs! – A Report of IFUMSA Quiz and Debate Club’s Send-Forth Ceremony 2022. 

It was a day to remember at the Clinical Skills Lecture Theatre on the 8th of October, 2022, where the IFUMSA Quiz and Debate Club’s Send-Forth Ceremony went…

Interesting Animal Hybrids 1 – Big Carnivores

In recent years, we have, and continue to unravel secrets in animal biodiversity and genetics. The hybrid phenomenon is one of these.

Fatal Hope

Is this where it all ends? Are all my efforts going to be for nothing?

Weird Animal Courtships II.

In a world where males seduce females with the most ostentatious of displays, intricate dance moves, and costly, attractive gifts, hippos stand out-and not exactly in a good way.

Despair and its most hideous face

Despair from blatant ignorance is one thing, but that from an impending future set in stone is just… Something else.

Weird Animal Courtships- The Horrific.

In their case, horror takes the place of romance, and agony takes the place of gratification. Sometimes, it all culminates in death.


His taunts are like blows that push me further downhill on the road to perdition

A Report on IQDC’s Sendforth Ceremony

He then introduced the latest Doctors who were present; Omolaso Bamise, Omosiate-Ariyo Olayide, Idowu Toluwanimi, Abdulrahman Okene, and Awogboro Olusola.