We just want to sleep and forget the worries
Sleep and forget the burdens
The burdens should be buried
Buried in the soils like the fossils
The soil that toils the toys
The toys of the littles
The littles then wonder why the burdens
Why the burdens that came with a sudden
Not a meme but a game that maims the name
The name of those who burden
Burden with grief all of a sudden
The names pronounced the fame
The fame that kept the pain
We keep the fame with reasons
Reasons that glossed the tears
The tears that brought the flares
But left the fears
The fears that stormed the faces
But left the cases
Why the treason?
The tears are left to deepen
Deepen and flow to the sea
The sea of tears flows till it freezes
Freezes the heart till it hardened
Freezes the hope, we are saddened
The tables of the chiefs filled with dessert
The pain of the kids still in the desert
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