Prose (series)


​Lawumi Visits the Paperback Bookstore on the planet, Yemoja.  The name of the planet was Yemoja and it was one of the six heavenly bodies orbiting the red…

Where the roses grow (part one) 

She woke up on the morning of that Thursday with a chest doing 200 miles per hour. A pillow drowning in sweat and a mouth that still had…

RED; A short story of lost love. (the end)

The End. Alexandra waited for his return, wringing her hands as the clock ticked by. She was alone, as usual. The maid didn’t live with them. The house…

Red; a short story of lost love.

Neither of us is happy but neither of us wants to leave. so we keep breaking one another and calling it love. – Rupi Kaur THE BEGINNING OF…