Death is a weighty subject, one that mortal minds prefer to glaze over and ignore. When it visits, it greets its hosts with a hefty blow, shattering the…

Disclaimer: The characters and events depicted are fictional, and any resemblance to real persons or events is purely coincidental. “Let’s not put so much energy into this week,…

My Opinion About Life
Good day dear readers. Today, I’ll be giving a highlight on my opinion about life First, in life, I would faintly categorize people around us into two(2) groups.…
The Art Of Gifting – What it Should Be
Love languages like quality time and words of affirmation usually have definitive and clear meanings to people in relationships or friendships. However, when it comes to love languages…

Sometimes It Isn’t Laziness, It Is Fear
Fear, let’s talk about it. This is going to be a very short opinion piece, and it will be worth your time. Trust me. Fear has a way…

You Can Just Give Me The BSc, You Know?
We have heard stories from different alumni of this great citadel of learning. But one story stands out, for the purpose of this post. And that’s the story…

Nativity and Behaviour: Labels and Stereotypes
Sometimes, they are the subtlest undertones unsuspectingly lacing humorous remarks. Some other times, they are the elephant in the room that you cannot just ignore. They seem to…
The Benefits of Cross-training In Medicine
In medicine, cross-training involves acquiring skills and knowledge beyond healthcare. A few years ago, almost every family aimed to produce a medical doctor in Nigeria. The chosen child…
Part 2 Vox Pop: Histo/ Embro Incourse And Preparation For First MB As A Preclinical Student.
The faces of part 2 students were a canvas of emotions as they wrapped up their histology and embryology exams last week. The exam format was the hot…