M.N.A: Can we meet you please?
Nominee: I’m Adegoke Kolade James, baptized with the identity of service as SCIENTIA. I’m a Clinical 1 student.

M.N.A: Where do you hail from?
Nominee: I hail from Owo Local Government Area in Ondo State.

M.N.A: What are your hobbies?
Nominee: I love meeting people, eating, sleeping, watching football, and taking life easy.

M.N.A: As a nominee for the face of IFUMSA 2019, how has that made you feel and what’s your expected outcome?
Nominee: Face of IFUMSA: Honestly, I didn’t see the nomination coming. It came as shock. Being nominated along side Oni Joshua and Agbakwuru Maximilian is really humbling. I’ve been nominated and I’m grateful. Expected outcome? Chuckles. Optimism doesn’t kill, they say. But, this is the reality —I’m actually not expecting anything.

M.N.A : What do you think makes you stand out amongst other nominees?
Nominee: Hahaha, you don’t know about eet. Oh well, literally, I’m one of the tallest amidst the nominees. But I guess, here’s it —A blend of service identity, personality and yeah, looks.

M.N.A: Do you regard yourself as a creative? If so, why?
Nominee: Yes, I do. Being able to work under pressure, improvise within a short period of time and proffer redresses. I’ve never felt smarter.

M.N.A: Which IFUMSite has an exceptional personality that you admire? Tell us about him/her
Nominee: Adolalom Obinna Tony. His versatility is out of this world. He doesn’t complain and ‘just does it’.

M.N.A: what are your pet peeves?
Nominee: Pet Peeves: Oh man, this got be to pussycat. I don’t even want any association with ’em. Those eyes and sneaking nature. Ta!

M.N.A: if not Medicine, which course would you choose to study?
Nominee: Then, Engineering. Now: Computer Science.

M.N.A: has any movie inspired you to the best of who you are? Tell us about it.
Nominee: Movie: ‘Run Fatboy, Run’. I saw this movie on 5th of August, 2018 (Its an inspirational movie, so…). Before that day, I’ve always thought I wasn’t emotional about movies.
FAM, I teared up for the first time. After seeing that movie, I told myself, ‘I’ll never ever ever give up. No I won’t, not when my balloons are complaint and my heart’s still pumping.’
There are many things in life that will make us fall and think of running away. But, we’ve gotta stand up and face ’em.

M.N.A: Who’s your best actor or actress and why?
Nominee: Best Actor: Samuel L. F*cking Jackson.
Why? You wanna motherfuckingly know? Don’t bullshit me. He’s got charis-ma and he’s funny.

Actress: Maisie Williams.
Why? I became a fan of her fictional character (Arya Stark) in the suspense -filled HBO Show, Game of Thrones. From her Tomboy look and Confidence to her Charisma. ‘What do we say to the god of death? Not today!’

M.N.A: What type of books do you read outside academics. Name one
Nominee: Any book really, depends on my mood and how free I am.

M.N.A: what do you appreciate most about MEDIVOICE?
Nominee: About Medivoice: The consistency man. If there’s anything that has stuck for the past few years in Medical School, it has to be the fact that MEDIVOICE News Agency is here to

M.N.A: Do you have any political post and/or ambition in the Association? If yes, which?
Nominee: Post: Post? Not really, I don’t hold any ‘executive office’ currently in the Association; but as secretary for few local organizing *committees*

Ambition? (Chuckles). I’m more of the passion guy. Passion before ambition, always. Don’t get me wrong, ambition isn’t a bad thing. Again, optimism doesn’t kill.

M.N.A: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Nominee: In 10 yrs, Married, with a kid. Done with residency and maybe a distinguished fellow in a field (not sure now).

M.N.A: What is your philosophy of life?
Nominee: There are no new challenges, face ’em. Optimism doesn’t kill, dream. And remember, consistency will keep you at the top of your dream.

M.N.A: Give a shout out to your friends
Nominee: Shout out: Well everyone is my friend. Shout out to the generality of IFUMSA, to my special colleagues, Excelsiors, Handsomeville (P. Eliz… and Samwell Tarly of Asherifa), Obinna, Oluwanöni, Timi, Misbhaleem and Baddest of them all (BADman RUles).Thanks for staying real.

M.N.A: Thank you for your time sir.
Nominee: You’re welcome


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