
Whenever you hear of cities like Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt and the likes, which country comes to your mind? Whether you are right or wrong, the correct answer is Germany. Today I’ll be taking you on my wings (yes, I fly) all the way to Germany, we will talk about popular places, and some other important stuffs.

  1. Neuschwanstein Castle

    This castle is literally translated as New Swan Stone castle, it’s owned by King Ludwig II to compensate for his loss of sovereign power after he was defeated. It was built to replace Hohenschwangau Castle where Ludwig II spent his childhood, possibly to restore old memories. This castle looks more like the fairytale castle that you can always imagine while dreaming with an exception to the fact that this is real. Sadly, this castle wasn’t completed until after the death of Ludwig II. As at the time of completion, It has a throne room, latest technologies, hot and cold water bath, door bells, etc. Neuschwanstein castle is the inspiration for the famous Walt Disney’s castle from 1869-86
  1. The Brandenburg Gate

    This gate is Berlin’s most famous historical landmark, it was once a symbol of a divided nation, but now it’s a symbol of peace and unity, it has five passages with the central passage reserved for only the royals. It was commissioned by King Frederick Wilhelm and is popularly known to have survived the test of time, considering the fact that it survived the ruins of the cold war. The best time to visit this place is at night with a cup of popcorn in your hands, as you behold this beautiful view .
  1. Cologne cathedral

    It’s a world heritage site, and it attracts over 15,000 visitors per day, it also contains the shrine of the three wise men in the Bible. The Shrine of the Three Kings include the bones of the three wise men which had brought pilgrims to the town in the Middle Ages, and it was decided that a cathedral should be built to house the shrine properly.
    Another amazing fact is that this building is bombproof. During the world war, cologne cathedral was hit by 14 bombs, and the building did not fall. Despite its long years of completion, its north and south towers are of uneven height. The interior decoration is wonderful, and it’s an amazing site to see.

4. Fernsehturm (Television Tower)

This astonishing tower is a landmark in Berlin, and it’s visible from every part of the city. This tower is 46 years old and it’s regarded as the tallest building in Germany. It’s not just a tower that attracts visitors, It is owned by Deutsche Telecom, and over 59 different radio and television programs are broadcasted via the tower’s antenna even till this day

Asides these, there are so many amazing places to visit in Germany.

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