Today, we shall be discussing some of the very many things you can do with bread. Bread is a food item that has been around for a very long time. And for good reason too. It is as versatile as it is delicious.
Bread can be made into all sorts of sandwiches. A sandwich just requires two slices of bread(or one folded slice) and a filling. The filling can be anything- butter, jam, eggs, sausages, peanut butter, or even air. A lot of things are just sandwiches in disguise. Grilled cheese? sandwich. Risky? Sandwich. Hot dogs? Sandwich. Hamburgers? Sandwich. Shawarma? Sandwich. Two pizza slices on top of each other? Sandwich.

Bread is excellent for dipping. All you need is a sauce or some sort of vaguely edible liquid or spread, and you’re good to go. Stew, pepper soup, Nutella, wine. Go off, queen/king.

This is a glorified sandwich for flatbreads. One of the preferred nighttime snacks of Nigerians is shawarma, which is basically just flatbread wrapped around chicken salad. To turn fluffy bread flat, you can flatten it between palms, but the question is why would you do that?

Something about putting bread into heat again after it has gone through all the hot oven stress is just elite. You can use a pop-up toaster to make fancy hot bread. Or you can make a sandwich and toast it till it’s perfectly crunchy. Also, grilled cheeses are glorified toasted sandwiches.

French Toast
This is also toast, but it deserves its own category. Dip your bread slice into a mixture of egg, salt, milk, or whatever you deem fit. Then fry it in a pan with butter, oil, or fat. Delicious. This is a perfect way to eat bread that is not as fresh as you’d like.
Croutons are also an easy way to use leftover bread. You can dice leftover bread into cubes, season, and rebake them. They can be eaten in salads, soups, or on their own.

Now, I’m not suggesting you go about eating breadcrumbs like a starving pigeon from Hansel and Gretel. Use leftover breadcrumbs as breading when frying fish, for meatballs

Finally, you can choose to eat bread alone. You can sit down and consume one family-size loaf of bread like the tout you might secretly be. You can sit with shawarma bread and munch. Bread is for the people. And as Marie Antonniete should have said, “let them eat bread.”
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