Compliment! IFUMSA Compliment Day: A Review

IFUMSA Compliment Day?
How Did We Get Here? 

It all started with a release from Madam PRO at 20:03 on Wednesday, the 12th of February to inform Ifumsaites that something special would be happening the next day.

On Thursday morning, the 13th of February- just some hours before Valentine’s Day, it felt like the President took a mic on the assembly ground with a dramatic effect (imagine President Miracle standing in a podium stretching his arms out open wide) to announce: ‘Dearest Ifumsaites, it is time to show love to one another’.

Mr President opened the floor with his own special message to all Ifumsaites. So if you didn’t get any personal compliments on IFUMSA Compliment Day, the president covered you, already. You can go back and read his message again.

IFUMSA Compliment Day was the first of its kind in a long time, if ever.

In this season of love, Ifumsaites took to the street of their WhatsApp statuses, Class group pages, and Twitter (now called X) timelines to show love and compliment one another. Getting medical students dropped their big textbooks for a minute to compliment their colleagues is sure a big gesture.

Whoever thought of this initiative has a beautiful mind. Lovely seasons like this go forth to reiterate the sense of community we have here in IFUMSA. 

How Did It Go? 

We decided to ask a few Ifumsaites how the IFUMSA Compliment Day went for them, if they participated, and how it made them feel.

MediVoice: Hello there, how are you doing? How was the IFUMSA Compliment Day for you? Did you participate?

I’m very well, thank you. The IFUMSA Complement Day was a very nice time for me. I watched my course mates reel out thanks to each other and it made me feel the sense of family. Yeah, I got many compliments and I gave out a couple too.

MediVoice: What was the best thing about it for you?

The best thing about the Compliment Day was that it mended one of my closest relationships. We were giving each other the silent treatment, but she had to compliment me when she complimented others and that allowed us make up.


IFUMSA Compliment Day helped to fix this person’s relationship with a friend. Isn’t that so sweet?

Here are some other responses we got:

Feyi: The Compliment Day was in my opinion, a great reminder of the power of kind words! Even though I didn’t actively/publicly participate, I had a feel of sharing genuine compliments with friends, classmates on the TL and in the DMs. It’s amazing how a small gesture can brighten someone’s day!

Tiwa: Yes. I participated in the compliment day. For me, the best thing about the day was the receiving heartfelt compliments and kind words from my people. I was so happy.

Peter: Yes I did participate and it was heartwarming. On my class’ page there was so much positive energy and camaraderie even from people who had never spoken before. The compliments kept coming in all-day, It was so much I couldn’t even keep up 😅

Debby: I participated in the IFUMSA Compliment Day. I really appreciate the person that came up with the idea of the Compliment Day🤩.
The best thing about it for me was that I was able to reflect on the good things others have done for me one way or the other; I was able to see that everyone has their uniqueness which needs to be commended and appreciated. It made me all emotional shaa🥹.

From all angles, it seems obvious that Ifumsaites loved the Compliment Day initiative and so many people connected to it. Every class page was also brimming with sweet compliments.



3. Magna

4. Invictus

Compliment? Even on X.

Even the X (formerly known as Twitter) timeline was not left behind. Just search the hashtag IFUMSACOMPLIMENTDAY to feed your eye and get emotional with all the cute messages.

Beyond the aesthetics, the sense of belonging and community bond that initiatives like this build is crucial for sustainability of our association. That every Ifumsaite can know that they have a family in IFUMSA and we all have each other’s backs through the journey to becoming doctors is a beautiful thing.

Below are some more screenshots:

Remember, we encourage mushy tears but crying is not allowed 😂

Words go a long way, use them wisely

You can have an impact by just being you

Dear readers, the Big IFUMSA administration has filled the air with so much love, we hope it reached you too and you felt good about it. It is the season of love after all. Even if you didn’t have a val, your president’s compliment to you should suffice.

Is IFUMSA’s Compliment Day here to stay?

Should we just institute February 13th as the official day for it? Let’s hear your thoughts in the comments.

Thank you for always reading, it is a pleasure to write to you. You can always check out other Vox Pop editions here.

Until next time, stay happy!

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