IQDC Competition Winners – ILUMSA

Hello MediVoice readers, you must have heard tales of Medicus, the inter MSA quiz that IQDC organized recently. We spoke to the winners of the quiz and this is what the representative of ILUMSA, the second runner up, has to say.

Medivoice: How does it feel coming third position at the competition 

ILUMSA: I feel excited cos it’s an improvement on our previous performance. We came 4th the last time, coming third now and getting the cash price award makes me very happy.

I’m leaving here inspired to learn more and acquire more stuff. 

Medivoice: Is there anything you’d like to say to the organisers of the program 

ILUMSA : The organisers should keep up the good work and if it’s possible to have more schools take part in the competition such that it is not restricted to just the South-Western schools so we can foster communication amongst ourselves and also learn and network. 

Medivoice: will you be willing to come next time if you’re invited. 

ILUMSA: Definitely.

We look forward to the next time we are seeing ILUMSA in Ife because we know they will be back.

Thank you for reading till this point. You can check out other IQDC exploits here.
See you later!

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