Life’s inevitable end.
Here, Trees that once stood mighty,
Tall and green, made others envy,
Now brown and fallen.

Petals which once bloomed in my garden
Now dried and lifeless.
Their colours unrecognizable.
Stalks which supported them have wilted.

Candles which once burnt with passion,
Now failing to ignite,
The end, A tiny stump of wax.
Struggles which seemed impossible,
Oppressed me, I was derisible.
Now overcome by the light.

The feelings my heart once contained,
Blossomed and brewed, they ran over.
Now replaced by emptiness and thin air.
I lived in all glory.
Fighting, yearning, loving, surviving.
Now I exist only in the hearts of many,
A blessed memory.
This is it – the denouement.
Life’s inevitable end.The moments not wasted
But cherished, held and protected.
These beautiful memories,
the very essence of my existence.
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