Good day, esteemed reader. Welcome to another interesting and inspiring edition of the Writer’s Interview. Abraham Praise, also known as PeculiarPraise, has graciously honored Medivoice’s request by sharing her insights on writing growth, as well as tips on becoming a devoted reader and a compelling writer.
Sit back and enjoy this wonderful interview session.

Medivoice: We are honoured to have you. Could you kindly introduce yourself?
My name is Praise Abraham. My pen name is PeculiarPraise. Outside of writing and reading which are my primary passions, I am currently a final year student of the department of architecture, Obafemi Awolowo University. I also enjoy good music and food. I love Jesus.
Medivoice: When did you start writing?
I would say I officially began writing towards the latter end of the COVID lockdown in 2020. Free time made me discover amazing Christian stories on Wattpad and I decided it was the perfect moment to hop on the train.
Medivoice: How did you discover your passion for writing?
It all began with the desire to share my story to the world (in a fictional form), and to break a common stereotype the world had about people like me. Hence, I started off my writing journey with a novel, A Pastor’s Daughter’s Diary. It’s available for free on selar.
Medivoice: What genre of writing do you explore?
Speculative fiction. Sometimes clean romance. I’m currently in the learning stage of scriptwriting.
Medivoice: Wow, fiction!! I thought it’s for very imaginative people. So, What author or books have influenced your work the most?
This is a difficult choice to make because I have lots of favorite authors. However, I’ll say that, among them, the works of C.S. Lewis and Ted Dekker have greatly influenced my writing.

Medivoice:What is your favourite writing?
Hmmm. Also, a hard choice because I’ve written quite a lot. I guess I’ll just safely go back to my roots.
My debut novel, A Pastor’s Daughter’s Diary, now the first book in an ongoing series: The Supernatural Diaries Series, holds a special place in my heart and is still blessing lives across the world today.
Here’s the blurb:What do you imagine the life of a typical pastor’s daughter to be like? Stoic, boring, holy-Mary-mother-of-God style? Or…Wild, prodigal, topping the charts for every imaginable sin? Rather than being on these two extremes, Radiance Abraham, the only daughter of the General Overseer of The Redeemer’s Love Ministries, finds her pivot when she personally encounters the God her dad preaches. She becomes no ordinary pastor’s daughter; she is now the beloved of the King, and her life couldn’t be more perfect. But when she is baptized in fire, the unseen spiritual realm opens to her in ways she could not have imagined. From meeting with glowing angels to battling with grotesque demons, she is plunged into brutal spiritual battles that threaten her very life. In the midst of it all, she seeks to tame her growing feelings for one grey-eyed hottie that makes her insides turn to mush.
Not wanting to lose all her amazing supernatural adventures to the wind, Radiance decides to write them back to her First Love, Jesus, in a diary. In this exciting supernatural teen fiction novel, A Pastor’s Daughter’s Diary, journey with Radiance as she explores the reality of the unseen world that surrounds her.
Medivoice: Sounds intereting. Readers, if you haven’t read that, you’re missing out. Now then, How do you promote your writings?
Early on, I joined communities for writers and readers and I do my best to be active and interact on these platforms. I also created a small group for those who reached out to me with reviews or testimonies that they’ve been blessed by my works. They’re my super supportive inner circle and really help in spreading word about anything I release. Recently, I’ve been more focused on building my Instagram audience. You can find me @peculiarpraise1
Medivoice: Do you experience writer’s block? How do you deal with it?
Hmmm. I’d like to say I don’t believe in writer’s block because you only give power to what you believe in. However, I’ll admit there have been bursts of periods when it seemed as if the spring of inspiration had gone dry, and consequently, it became very difficult to put down words on paper.
Firstly, I pray about it.Most often, all I need is to rekindle my connection with the Holy Spirit. Also, while I’m unable to write for whatever reason, I read as much as I can in the line of what I intend to write— especially in terms of similar style, genre or tropes.I just allow my brain to relax. I take a walk through a different route. I observe people and also journal.
Medivoice:How do you maintain consistency in writing?
I’m still working towards this one. I have an accountability partner to keep me accountable for my writing. I join writing challenges with deadlines when I’m able to. I’ve been able to produce about 4 books this way.
Medivoice: Do you believe the popular saying that “Readers are good writers”?
Absolutely! It is one of the greatest advice I reiterate to upcoming writers like myself.
Medivoice: How were you able to finish 40 books in a month?
Actually, I just made a post about this on my IG @peculiarpraise1 due to popular demand after my recent post showing the compilation of all my reads for January.
In summary, I have a target for my reading for this year that I’m actively working towards. I have a wonderful accountability partner and also use tools that enable me to track my reading progress. I read at every opportunity I get; multitasking while listening to audiobooks: I highly recommend the ReadEra app
Medivoice: Advice for lovers of writing and aspiring writers.
I’ll just say, be authentic. Don’t feel pressured by anyone’s seeming success. They’ve probably come a long way to get to where they are right now. Enjoy the process of writing. And write ‘truth’! Finally, write something that will touch and transform another person.
I really enjoyed this session. Nonetheless, as we come to the end of the interview, I hope you found it as insightful and inspiring as I did. I wish you a wonderful week ahead.
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