Interview with Hon. Orimolade Ayokunle, 45th speaker of the IFUMSA SRB

This week, MediVoice reached out to Hon. Orimolade Ayokunle, the 45th Speaker and number one parliamentarian for the current IFUMSA administration. He offered insights into some of his challenges, achievements and exploits especially as a parliamentarian. Sit back and enjoy.

Medivoice: Hi, can we please meet you?

Hello! I am Hon. Orimolade Ayokunle, the 45th Speaker of the IFUMSA SRB. I am a 500 level medical student.

Medivoice: It’s so great having you here! Also, congratulations on the successful completion of your previous class. That was sure one hell of a journey. How has your journey through medical school been so far?

Thank you so much. Medical school has been really stressful, but I believe I have been able to adapt. It comes with its ups and downs, but overall I do find it to be an interesting and enjoyable experience.

Medivoice: An interesting and enjoyable experience🥹? You’re definitely an agba🤗. As far as we know, you’ve been making silent but great moves in the school’s political space over the last few years. What have been your greatest strides over the years?

It is a hard pick, but becoming the Speaker and Chairman of the Students Union Electoral Petitions Committee in the same year really rank high up there for me.

Medivoice: Truly, those are great feats! What motivated your desire for politics, volunteering and administration?

Funny thing is, I was never much of a politician before gaining admission to the University. I was more business oriented, but I was also actively interested in being part of making processes and events work. My early experiences with Dr Lolu Akinteye, Dr Agbaje Tosin and a few others played a big part in shaping me and I eventually evolved into what I am, I am still in the process of evolving.

Medivoice: Business… Politics, seems there’s a bit of connection by the way🤔. You’ve been an honourable in the IFUMSA’S SRB since your 2nd year and you’re now the honourable speaker, can you describe your experience in the house & the changes you’ve observed so far in the house and IFUMSA at large?

About my experience, I became a parliamentarian in 2019, when I was in 200 level. While I enjoyed being at sittings, I must also admit that it used to be very tiring because sittings were much longer then. Sittings present an opportunity to rub minds with intellectuals. This sharpens the critical thinking and problem solving skills of parliamentarians. About the changes observed, these days I see the house and even IFUMSA evolving, being more liberal, challenging the status quo, and being more open to changes. I personally believe this will help us become even greater

Medivoice: Thank you so much. What has been your greatest achievement as a politician, most especially as a parliamentarian?

Usually the great things parliamentarians achieve is as a result of working as a team with other parliamentarians. I therefore will not singlehandedly lay claim to a particular achievement. Shout out to every parliamentarian I have worked with (past and present), especially those who worked with me when I was Chairman or team leader.

Medivoice: How has your participation in politics and as a volunteer in so many noble causes shaped and influenced your personal life?

Volunteering and participation in politics have played a big part in my evolution as a person and I believe it will continue to. It taught me the value of emotional intelligence, but I think even more importantly, it has taught me to value and nurture relationships. Sometimes you might be surprised by who will come to your rescue in your time of need.

Medivoice: That’s really profound, thank you. Our dear speaker, IFUMSAITES would want to know your relationship status😄

Lol, let’s settle it today. Mr Speaker is single. I am not particularly very relationship oriented at this time or even in the past. Nevertheless, I do recognize that there are attractive women within and outside IFUMSA. So while I am not actively looking to be entangled, it’s not completely off the table.

Medivoice: Hehe… our honourable speaker is still very well on the market. This is definitely good news for some😂. Do you have any advice for junior colleagues who are also interested in politics, especially IFUMSAITES?

1. Start early or start now and learn as much as you can from as many people as you can. Through experience you would eventually be filter the things you need.

2. A mentor will make your journey faster and smoother, get one. Also, do not be afraid to make mistakes

3. Losses and setbacks are only permanent if you choose to stay down.

4. You can’t depend on motivation to get things done. In your journey, there would be ups and down. You won’t get much done if you need motivation to act.

Medivoice: Great advices. Thank you so much for your time Hon. Orimolade Ayokunle, the 45th Speaker of the IFUMSA SRB. It was honour having you here.

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