Interview With Miracle Ayobami OLAJUYIGBE, Candidate For The Post Of IFUMSA Public Relations Officer

Good evening, please introduce yourself to us.

Miracle Olajuyigbe: Alright. Hello, I’m Miracle Ayobami, OLAJUYIGBE. A 300 level medical student and the current Face of the association.

Okay, nice to meet you. What are three words you would use to describe yourself, and why?

Miracle Olajuyigbe: Well, I’d say visionary, innovative and creative. Those three are perfect to describe me.

Why did you choose those particular words?

Miracle Olajuyigbe: I love creating and introducing new methods and ideas that are different from the norm. Also, I’m a man driven by foresight and goals.

In short, a man with a vision. What would you say are your five core values?

Miracle Olajuyigbe: Integrity, Curiosity, Respect, Meritocracy and Approachability.

Do you have any prior leadership experience within or outside IFUMSA?

Miracle Olajuyigbe: Outside IFUMSA, I used to be a senior prefect. Also, I served as the Head of the Anti-Corruption Association of Nigeria (Students’ Arm) then as a secondary school student. Within IFUMSA, I’ve been more of a team player.

What are the experiences you’ve had or the knowledge you’ve garnered within IFUMSA that you think has really prepared you for this post?

Miracle Olajuyigbe: Well, after being an ifumsite for about three years now, I’ve witnessed three Public Relations Officers serving in that office while patiently observing and learning their various strategies of service and even engaging in personal conversations with them about what the office entails and the challenges that come with it.

Also, I’ve been in a number of planning committees within IFUMSA in which I’ve been in charge of media and publicity. I’d like to state the ‘Talent meets Medicine’ organized by the social committee during the COVID break as an example. I think it’s also worthy of note that I’m a two-term serving Public Relations Officer for the Standing Committee on Public Health, OAU Chapter, due to my good track record of service.

With all these, I feel I’m the best candidate to fit into the shoe of the Public Relations Officer at the moment.

Now let’s dig deeper. Why did you, as a person, decide to run for this post? Is it merely because you think you possess the necessary qualities?

Miracle Olajuyigbe : (laughs) Not merely because of the qualities and experiences I possess, although that’s part of it, but majorly because I have things I want to offer to Ifumsites in the office.

Hmm. Things like what?

Miracle Olajuyigbe: Things like making a working platform where all ifumsites can access the list of available student entrepreneurs in the association and what they offer, thereby making life better for all. Running a working organisational website for the association in which information can be documented for use as and when due. Serving as the link between the executive council and the ifumsites, carrying everyone along and making them feel like a part of the association. Publicising IFUMSA activities within and outside the university. Getting the incoming freshers acquainted with the organs, committees, activities and events of the association right from their early days in the university. Effectively managing the social media handles. Projecting IFUMSA and Ifumsites within and outside the university.

What are the things, relating to public communication, that you personally think could be better in IFUMSA? That is, how do you think information dissemination could improve in IFUMSA?

Miracle Olajuyigbe: Hmmm. Well, I plan on branding content in which I’d intimate Ifumsites at least once a month on the update of things from the executive council. I feel this is something we can improve on.

That sounds promising.

Miracle Olajuyigbe: Thank you.

What is your definition of leadership?

Miracle Olajuyigbe: My ideology of leadership is service. Service by example.

Finally, do you think you stand a chance at the polls?

Miracle Olajuyigbe: Well, frankly speaking, with IFUMSAites by my side, I feel I should be the next Public Relations Officer of the association.

Thank you for your time, Miracle. Good luck at the polls.

Miracle Olajuyigbe: Thank you.

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