FAMSA IFUMSA Orientation: What You Need to Know

If there is one thing that distinguishes IFUMSAites, it is excellence. From academics, sports, entrepreneurship, to politics, they always chart new paths and inspire people behind them. Early this year saw the appointment of Richard Ogunleye, a 6th-year medical student of Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), as the Vice Regional Coordinator for External affairs, FAMSA West Africa.

Richard Ogunleye

The Federation of African Medical Students’ Association, FAMSA, recently reinvigorated its chapter in IFUMSA with the Head Officer, Favour Oyewole and 2 Local officers for each the five standing committees;

  1. Standing Committee for Population Activities, SCOPA
  2. Standing Committee for Professional Exchange, SCOPE
  3. Standing Committee for Health and Environment, SCOHE
  4. Standing Committee for Publications, SCOPUB
  5. Standing Committee for Medical Education and Research, SCOMER

Today, September 10, 2021, the FAMSA Chapter in IFUMSA held an orientation program for IFUMSAites interested in learning more about FAMSA and its activities tagged “Get to know FAMSA.” The program started at 5 pm, with Favour Oyewole anchoring the event.

Chukwu Frances

The Administrator of the FAMSA headquarters, Chukwu Frances, a 6th-year medical student at the University of Ibadan, kicked off the program with a brief introduction of FAMSA, which included a summary of the history and the opportunities available for medical students who get involved in the organisation. Notable points in her presentation were that FAMSA was formed in 1968 as a Nigerian, Ghanaian and Ugandan initiative. The permanent headquarters of FAMSA is located in University College Hospital, Ibadan.

After her presentation, delegates from each of the standing committees were given a few minutes to intimate IFUMSAites on the roles of the committees and the various benefits involved;

Wendy Kinara, a 4th-year medical student at Kenyatta, Kenya, for SCOPE; Timina Wasilwa, a medical student at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, for SCOPUB; Adewunmi Olalekan AbdulBasit for SCOMER; Muhammad Jafar for SCOHE; and Ifeoluwa Atobatele, a 5th-year medical student at OAU for SCOPA.

Wendy Kinara

The orientation program also featured a freebie session anchored by Elisha Adebimpe, a 5th-year medical student of OAU. He asked a few questions, and winners were gifted with airtime. There was also a short Q&A session at the end, which Ileri Oluduro anchored, a 5th-year medical student at OAU. The program ran smoothly except for a few hiccups where random foreigners joined the voice call. These individuals played loud music, with one gyrating his hips to the beat, disrupting the session for a few minutes.

When approached a few days ago, in anticipation of the orientation program set to hold today, here is what Favour Oyewole had to say on what she hopes to be achieved at the end of this orientation, 

“I want to ensure IFUMSAites know what FAMSA is about, become more involved in the association and enjoy the advantages. There is a lot that can be achieved if we become more aware and involved. I would also like to encourage everyone to put themselves out there, the world awaits and FAMSA is a good place to start from.”

Favour Oyewole

The orientation program ended by 7:15 pm. For more information on the details of the conversation, check out the committee’s page on Twitter @FAMSA_IFUMSA.

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