It’s another amazing time to meet an Ifumsaite. This week, we are bringing to you Eniola Divine of the Magna Medicos class. She says she’s a publicity goddess and that is such a big deal! So sit back and read with your popcorn as we get to know this personality of the week.
Hello Eniola, Can Medivoice readers meet you?
Hi Medivoice, I’m Eniola Divine Agunbiade. I’m a part 2 student, a creative and publicity goddess😂
Interesting! That’s such a hard statement and it’s a pleasure to talk to a goddess. I believe we are blessed here at MediVoice then. lol. So, how has your journey been in college for the past two years?
Hmmn, it’s been a fun and interesting one. I started out as a clueless fresher but now I have more clarity, exposure, I’ve made amazing connections and I have my own support system here in med school. It’s been a beautiful journey of growth if I do say so myself.
Okayyy, that’s amazing. The fact that you have your support system in place already is an amazing feat. Next up is the most common question that every medical students get asked. So, Why medicine?
Medicine wasn’t always my very first choice, walk with me😂. In primary school, I wanted to be a teacher. I had two really amazing women who taught me and inspired me to want to be a teacher but secondary school came and I developed a passion for drawing buildings. So my Dad’s friend who’s an architect saw my drawings and was impressed by them. So I decided to become an architect because I clearly had the talent😂.
Then I did technical drawing in SS class and then and there, I knew I had no future in TD. So as a bright student, medicine was obviously the next choice. And Ben Carson’s Gifted Hands had a role to play too.
Another protege of Ben Carson. That man can only imagine the number of people he influenced their decision to go to medical school. Anyways, publicity goddess, what’s your favorite mnemonic that you’ve used so far to learn in this medical school?
So I got this from a friend while reading the nerves of the Lumbar Plexus, it’s “*I*^2 *G* et *L* aid *O* n *F* riday”.
I guess only a goddess can understand the ways of a goddess. I have an interesting question for you next. So, If you could design your own surgical scrubs in your clinical class, what color or pattern would they be and why?
This is a really good question, I’d go for purple scrubs with lilac detailing (I love these two colors) in light breathable material(I hate sweating and heat). An assymetric line can also be added to give it a little spice, I mean I can still look stylish while being a doctor.
Okayyy… I like that! A stylish Doctor. Slaying while saving lives. Now, tell me, what’s the most memorable or amusing moment you’ve experienced since you’ve been on campus?
I think I’d say the day town-gboro bus drivers decided not to carry anyone to campus gate inside the rain because a set of students refused to get down from one bus. I just couldn’t wrap my hear round the fact that hundreds of students couldn’t go home quickly because their main means of transportation decided to not take them.
On that, I get you! These are things that should not be happening but sadly it is. Next question, what’s the most surprising or unexpected thing you’ve learned about the human body during your anatomy classes?
I’m still surprised that we have 54 muscles in the upper limb! Like a whooping 54 muscles help me move my arms daily, I was too surprised.
I mean! Who would have thought that the human body was that complicated. Alright, we are gradually wrapping up but If you could change a thing in medical school, what would it be?
I think I’d change the strikes and the pacing. For a course that’s already long, I don’t think it’s fair for us to spend extra years fighting to go to school and loosing out on opportunities because you don’t have a degree yet due to strike.
Also I think that for the long time we spend in med school, there should be a commensurate break for recovering. Part 4 is a stressful, extremely long year and a 2-3 week break after that kind of year doesn’t cut it in my opinion.
I get you. So this is a shout-out to the Exypnos class who recently graduated from part four and didn’t get two months break. Speaking of senior colleagues, what’s the best piece of advice you’ve received from a mentor or senior colleague?
I’ve received a whole lot but there’s one that summarizes a chunk of it, I can’t remember the exact words but it’s something along the lines of “You’re going to spend 6-7 years of your life in this school, make all those years count. Ensure you leave the four walls of OAU with a clear sense of direction”.
Hmmm… words of a sage. Furthermore on that, who do you look up to in college? And why?
Career/work wise, I’d say Dunmomi. Her trajectory from volunteering so actively to owning a successful business all while in school is inspiring.
Shoutout to you, Dunmomi! Eniola Divine looks up to you. Thank you for being a source of inspiration. Finally, any word for MediVoice?
Thank you Eniola, it was a pleasure doing this with you. Dear MediVoice readers, we have come to the end of this session and I sincerely hope you had an amazing time reading this as much I did while writing.
Finally, I leave you with these words… stay tuned to our publications! You can also read other interviews here.
See you next time. Bye!
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