Interview with Damilola Arowosola for the AGS Office

A picture of the AGS aspirant, Damilola Arowosola.

In the spirit of the upcoming IFUMSA elections, MediVoice is committed to bringing you vital news ensuing in this pivotal period. Consequently, here is our interview with an AGS aspirant:

MediVoice: Hello. In introducing yourself to IFUMSAITES, could you please share details such as your name, class, the specific position you’re contesting for, and other important aspects we need to know?

Damilola Arowosola: Hello Ifumsaites 👋

My name is Damilola Esther Arowosola and I’m the current Assistant Class Rep for the Part two class, that is Magna Medicos. I’m vying for the office of the Assistant General Secretary of IFUMSA in this 2023 election.

MediVoice: Which three fundamental values do you uphold, and moreover, how do you anticipate that they will contribute to the advancement of this association?

Damilola Arowosola: Okayy… nice question 

1. Academic Excellence 

2. Support for innovations 

3. Accountability 

I look forward to working with an IFUMSA that caters to the academics of all Ifumsaites. Accordingly, cheering on the excellence of the strong and standing with the weak to help them back on their feet

Also, I believe in supporting and further contributing to the good work that those who have gone ahead of me have done. Their innovations have brought us this far, and I look forward to taking us further.

MediVoice: In light of your aspiring position, could you kindly shed light on your comprehension of the responsibilities associated with the Assistant General Secretary’s role within IFUMSA?

Damilola Arowosola: The office of the AGS in IFUMSA is one of the offices of the Executive council and the responsibility of the office revolves around:

1. Assisting the General Secretary and representing him/her in case of unavoidable absence 

2. Catering to the freshmen in part one class

3. Chairing the central academic committee of IFUMSA 

4. Taking care of IFUMSA property

MediVoice: Moreover, have you had any prior leadership experience within or outside IFUMSA?

Damilola Arowosola: Oh yes… I’ve held a couple of leadership positions within and outside IFUMSA.

As I mentioned earlier, I’m currently serving in the following capacities: as the assistant class rep for my class, the secretary for IFUMSA Alumni Relations Committee, and the liaison officer for NiMSA Girl Child Advocacy to IFUMSA. And outside IFUMSA, I’ve had to lead teams to carry out social impact projects.

MediVoice: Why, specifically, are you running for the office of Assistant General Secretary and not any other position?

Damilola Arowosola:I often tell people that it was the influence of my AGSs and Presidents that shaped my perspective of IFUMSA. Significantly, there was a way that they made me feel special and see the benefits of the structures and platforms that IFUMSA has in place. Being at the receiving end of their impact has helped me become an active member of the association.  

I hope to do the same with another set of people. I look forward to giving back the right energy I got to the people coming behind me. To empower the future of IFUMSA.

MediVoice: What sets you apart from another AGS aspirant and why should IFUMSAITES trust you?

Damilola Arowosola: What majorly sets me apart will be my track record in IFUMSA. Specifically, as someone who has spent just two years in the association, I have been able to work closely with my senior colleagues to bring IFUMSA events to life

Aside from working on events like Doctor Plus 5.0 where I led the fundraising and partnership team where we were able to raise about 2 million naira for the event and securing partnerships with notable tech clubs on campus to train our members; I’ve also represented IFUMSA time and time again at NiMSA Southwest events as a delegate. All these show my level of commitment to the association. 

Then, why should Ifumsaites trust me? 

Over time, I have shown a high level of dedication to the association through my activities. Also, my classmates have trusted me enough to lead over 110 of them for two years; serving as the Assistant Class Representative. I have a notable precedence of serving the association well and was recently awarded a Presidential Impact Award.

MediVoice: As fellow medical students, recognizing the importance of time, how do you plan to effectively balance academic commitments, and furthermore, handle the responsibilities of the Assistant General Secretary role?

Damilola Arowosola: This is where effective time management comes in. I plan to always map out my time to accommodate my academics as well as my responsibilities to IFUMSA.

MediVoice: How would you articulate your vision for IFUMSAites? Additionally, what specific objectives do you aspire to accomplish if elected?

Damilola Arowosola: My vision for Ifumsaites is to elevate the academic experience and to nurture the freshmen with care.

How do I intend to achieve this?

1. Celebrating academic excellence in college by organizing Academic Excellence Conference 

2. Bringing back Academic Mentorship Pair

3. Enacting follow-up policies on exam results 

4. Working with the IFUMSA Care Team to attend to the mental health of IFUMSAITES 

5. Working with the class reps and SRB members of each class for orientations, mock exams, and 

6. Serving as a link between the freshmen and the Executive council

7. Integrating the freshmen into IFUMSA and NiMSA activities

MediVoice: Although we extend our well wishes for success to every candidate, should you not secure the position of AGS in this election, can the association rely on your ongoing support and assistance?

Damilola Arowosola: With or without the office, my commitment to IFUMSA is unwavering.

MediVoice: As a conclusion, do you have any final words, specifically, for IFUMSAites?

Damilola Arowosola: IFUMSA is a community of brilliant minds and every Ifumsaite is surely a force to reckon with. I’m glad to be a part of this student community.

That’s all from the AGS aspirant for now. Stay tuned for more.

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