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Hello lovelies!! Good to be here again, delivering y’all with everything fashion related!… Now this week is going to be all about a fast rising trend amongst campus students, a trend that is expected to be more rampant now that we’re in the Sallah period. 

Yes, the Henna trend!!
Lets give a brief history on Henna, or mehndi, as it is called in Hindi and Urdu. Henna has been used throughout South Asia, Africa and the Middle East for thousands of years to mark celebratory occasions, from weddings in India to circumcisions in Morocco. It’s extracted from Lawsonia inermis, a plant that thrives in warm climates. The custom of applying henna is laden with symbolism – in South Asian cultures, it’s said that the darker the colour of henna on a bride’s hands, the more her mother-in-law will love her, and that until it fades completely, the bride does not have to do any housework. One tradition even involves incorporating the groom’s name into the elaborate illustration on the bride’s hands. In North Africa, symbols would be drawn in henna to promote fertility and to ward off the “evil eye”
But oh well, It’s quite unlikely that most modern age henna users are aware of this age-old meanings of henna. The reasons for modern usage of henna vary; Some muslims use it because it bears more of a resemblance to authentic tattoos, which are not typically endorsed in Islam. Since it’s only temporary, black henna provides them with a way to get around the tattoo taboo and some are just enthralled by its natural, exotic allure. Also, Because it’s so socially acceptable, girls love to experiment with unique designs.
Contributing to the growing henna trend is the celebrity stamp of approval and nod towards eastern heritage (some celebrities like Rihanna have made headlines by getting an actual tattoo inspired by henna designs) , triggering the mad rush for henna during Eid and wedding seasons. Well, guess who would also be rushing for henna designs to slay on Eid??
Yh, you guessed right, me!
Eid mubarak everyone! And don’t forget to always take it easy on them ram meat!

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