Proper physical fitness is very important and beneficial to an individual therefore should be pursued by everyone of us. Being physically fit means being healthy and doing things in the right capacity.
Physical fitness is a state of well-being characterized by the ability to carry out daily efficiently, with endurance and strength. It can also mean the capability to show maximum performance in the aspect of sport and other occupations alongside your daily activities. It encapsulates various components including muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, good body composure and proper function of the body systems.
Physical fitness is like the rate of one’s capacity and strength that comes not from the muscle contraction and relaxation alone but from the overall proper functioning of the body. Our physical fitness is something we should focus on; we are supposed to incorporate it into our daily concerns and add “improving my physical fitness” or “maintaining a proper physical fitness” to our goal list.
As mentioned earlier, physical fitness being a measure of an individual efficiency is part of an individual life that requires more attention. Here are practical ways of improving your fitness:
Regular Exercise

This is very important and has been neglected by most of us especially medical students. Irrespective of the fact that you might be occupied with a lot of tasks, make sure you engage in exercising activities like running, cycling, swimming, dancing and so on. These help to build muscular and cardiovascular fitness. Get involved in sports also like tennis, soccer, basketball etc. This is essential, it helps in building muscular strength, body composure and flexibility.
Eat balanced diet

Proper and consistent intake of food helps a lot. A balanced diet supplies necessary nutrients needed for the effective functioning of the whole body. Eat diet rich in vegetables, protein, whole grains and healthy fats. Monitor portion sizes and avoid excessive intake of processed food. In fact, plan your meals ahead, make healthy choices to avoid unhealthy meals.
Stay hydrated

Drink water frequently daily. This supports various metabolic reactions and helps to keep you hydrated.
Add it to your daily routine
Reflecting on what I mentioned earlier, we are to add physical fitness improvement to our daily goals. Thus, various physical exercising activities would become part of our daily routine. This helps a lot as consistency is the key.
We should remember here that the goal is to significantly enhance our physical fitness and overall well-being. Therefore, as medical students amidst the strife to enhance our cognitive and intellectual strength let’s all put into consideration our physical health, it is very paramount.
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