True love- that is, deep, abiding love that is impervious to emotional whims or fancy- is a choice. It’s a constant commitment to a person regardless of the present circumstances.
Mark Manson
Love has been defined by different elites in various ways. It is however, glaring that the society has accepted some improper definitions such as: “Love is any kind of sexual attraction”, “Love is just an emotional feeling of affection”. Some even say that love is a sexual, physical and mental desire to be with someone. Whilst these definitions are associated with love, they have pierced into the fiber that connects us together as a people and have challenged our sanity as well as our humanity. In fact, they have eaten deep into the deepest recess of our culture and value system, shaping our perspectives, beliefs and views in the wrong direction. These definitions have caused many to think that if they nurse certain abnormal feelings of attraction, they can hide under this same good covering called “love”.
Certainly, all of us at a point or the other in our lives, had felt the urge to steal, to lie, to do evil but have changed because we realized these feelings are totally abnormal. Why did we choose to do otherwise, concerning “Love”? Don’t we realize the dangerous effects that the promotion of these bad ethics has on us? If we continue to accept these wrong definitions misrepresented as “love”, what does the future hold for us?
These “love” definitions are fast tearing our world apart. In fact, most dating or married couples start their relationships with just budding emotions and feelings that they call love. No wonder these relationships don’t last. They often get served with “breakfast” too quickly.
Moreover, the existence of anti-social clubs and strange communities such as gay, homosexuals, lesbians, is on the basis of these depraved definitions of love. When ordinary individuals perceive certain abnormal feelings like attraction towards the same sex, they tend to nurse these feelings simply because of the society’s stance on love . The acceptance of these antisocial communities has sponsored the eruption of other perverse definition of “love”, such as:
• Necrophilia: Sexual attraction for dead bodies or corpses whose death may have been due to contaminable diseases including sexually transmitted diseases. Nursing this feeling under the umbrella of “love” will definitely predispose the world to incurable harm in the long run.
• Zoophilia: Sexual attraction towards animals or non-human creatures. Research shows that Anthrax, among other deadly diseases in animals is transmittable via sexual intercourse to humans.
• Hybristophilia: The sexual attraction to people who have committed violent crimes or atrocities, such as murderers, rapists, or terrorists.
• Sadomasochism: The sexual enjoyment of inflicting or receiving pain, humiliation, or domination.
By accepting that love is just an emotional feeling of affection, we appear as wolves in sheep clothing, heading absolutely towards destruction. We are setting out for ourselves, a whole lot of problems in our nearest future.
Love is not a sexual desire for someone or something.
It is not an emotional attachment or physical attraction.
Love isn’t an emotion or a feeling.
It does not insist on its own right.
Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing.
Love is not resentful.
It is not selfish.
Love does not get easily angry.
Love does not dishonor.

Love is a practice.
It is seen in action and through actions.
Love rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things- endurance.
Love is giving kindness, mercy and forgiveness to all people, even those we don’t agree with and even those who may not be kind to us.
It is being faithful and loyal to our spouse.
Love is being happy and grateful for what we do have, not giving to greed what we don’t have.
Love is the courage to rise above all evil and set a pace for doing what is true, fair, and just.
It is the willingness to tolerate the inadequacies and weaknesses of others.
Love is that boldness to lift a brother up from depression into the great heights of hope.
The perverted sense of the word “love” is obvious when we consider the evil consequences it places on our lives, families, communities, states, nation and the entire world. It is high time we realized that the true meaning of love isn’t the familiar. LOVE IS A NATURE OF RIGHT-DOING! Let us all embrace this nature so that we have a life full of love, and of peace, and of sound mind and prosperity.
Hmmmm…. True Love!