Chances are you know a Yoruba demon. Heck, you might be one. Researchers at Harvard university say that one in every four yoruba guys are demons. Okay, maybe I made that up. But there is a really huge chance that you do know a yoruba demon. However, should that bother you?
Depending on who says the term, Yoruba demon can be a good and not-so-good term. Just like “big head”. Is Aduke crying, swearing, and calling you a Yoruba demon while laying emphasis on the DE-mon? She is? That’s not-so-good.
However, if it is Precious, ask her on a date already. Why should you care if you know or like a Yoruba demon? You ask. It is simple; I don’t know if it isn’t obvious, but there is a demon in its name. The kind of thing our mothers cast and bind? Rings a bell?
He will raise your legs, but will he raise the kids?
Probably not!
Are these demons endemic to Yoruba culture? Well it depends on who you ask. But then again, have you seen any video on Twitter with a lady crying “Chibuzor!” You probably haven’t. It is usually the Femis and the Seguns. But it would seem that Aduke has a contrary opinion.
“There are Yoruba demons, Hausa demons, Ijaw demons, Delta demons, in fact all men are demons.”
Fear Men! She made herself loud finally. I felt it. Who was the Femi that did her this bad? Well, you are about to find out. If you haven’t caught on yet, Femis and Seguns aren’t great options. They call him Shege or Femzo and you are not scared? What exactly would Femzo do to your heart?
Omorewa, ma shebeye naw. Ìwọ ni mo fẹ́ now. I just talk to the ladies. I don’t like them.
Uhm. He does. Funny thing happened to Aduke the other day when she was on a date with a Yoruba demon. He had called her the apple of his eye. Your eyes are like matted pearls and you’re unrivaled among goddesses. It was going fine till the fair-skinned waitress passed by. Looking back, his only regret was he didn’t get the waitress number.
There is a saying that goes “if he likes the bum, he is probably a BUM.” When he likes posterio-inferior convex prominence of a lady, he is a Yoruba demon. I don’t think I need to tender any explanation.
Dark/Fair, beards, smooth talkers, and has a lot of friends—a walking red flag. I mean, a man that knows more than two Preciouses shouldn’t be trusted. He only has one male friend? That’s problematic, c’mon. You should know.
Do you have first Aid kits??…I guess I got injured while falling for you.
Cues in a dashing smile. Why are you blushing?? He said he is hurting. A typical Yoruba demon moved and you fell! It might be self-righteous to throw my brothers under the bus, but c’mon someone has to stop this endemic. See Davido! I mean, what better way to raise awareness than to start writing about these creatures.
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