An Eight-Step Guide to Getting 69 in Pre-Clinical One

You won’t get 90% in Pre-Clinical One. Seriously, you won’t. But that’s alright

I don’t know why MediVoice thought it was a great idea for me to lecture new medical students about pre-clinical one. I barely even survived part two. But once one is called, one obeys. I will start with the ever-so-conspiratorial saying—part 2 isn’t hard to pass. I mean, I scaled through. 

You see, OAU is soft. Yes, I said it, soft. So all you have to be is a little hard. Here, we review all the tips you need to come out on top. This article addresses a step-by-step guide for you to have a distinction or something close to it. So shall we begin? 

Step 1: It Is Not By The Number Of Textbooks 

BRS. Keith Moore. Vishram. Gray. Last. There is no shortage of textbooks, and let’s be real, you can’t finish everything. Passing in OAU pre-clinical 1 is pretty straightforward—materials, past questions, then textbooks. In fact, reading three textbooks is almost a recipe for failure. The facts often clash. One textbook to back your materials and teach me anatomy is alright. Don’t get fooled by those classmates already moving cranial nerves while dissecting the upper limb in the lab. It won’t matter when Adéyemí sets his questions. 

Step 2: Never Walk Alone 

You have got to be a Liverpool fan to find your way through college. Things fly around, and those things might just come out. All I knew about my T and A incourse was from sitting at the secretariat and trapping facts that flew around. Somehow, the things our friends tell us stick. Just ensure you are not cramming Stoof. Cross-check what you learned.  Do PQ with friends; it helps a lot. And if you don’t have friends, make some. A simple “Should we do PQ?” is all you need. 

Step 3: Predator is Your Friend As A Pre-Clinical One Student

If you are anything like me, you are not reading. Right now, you are playing or just watching all the series you can. Well, the two to three weeks to your exams are very critical then. And guess what? It would be best if you had a predator. The human body can’t possibly survive on two hours of sleep daily. But you were the one who didn’t read on time. 

Closing on the exam period, you will need a predator to stay awake. And yes, you will need to do lots of reading. Materials, PQ, then Anki in one fast go every night till the exam date. Don’t read the textbook now. Instead, find a friend who has and listen👌

Step 4: Anki Everything 

Favour, you are not that smart. Your brain isn’t a magnet, and you need help. That’s where Anki comes in. You need to Anki everything. Some people might call you Anki warriors, but I went from ridiculous marks to 70s using Anki. And guess what some of them got? 70s too😅 But you get the gist. Anki is not necessary, and yes, I know it is boring. But if you have a hard time retaining stuff, it helps. Plus, it saves time. It is perfect when you are under examination tension. 

Step 5: Sign Your Attendance Or Get Someone Who Will

You might not go to all the Pre-Clinical classes, and that’s fine. I don’t even know my lecturers by face. But when the exam period comes, lecturers often refer to their attendance to decide who does the exam and who doesn’t. You don’t want to be on the other side, so when you can, attend class and sign your attendance or talk to a friend to fill in for you. But in everything you do, ensure 75% attendance with your anatomy practical. You are only permitted to miss 5 of those things at most. 

Step 6: Listen to Your Lecturers at Your Own Risk 

On May 17th, 2023, Dr. S.K OJO told the current part 3 not to read cardiovascular system development because he won’t bring it out in his incourse. I listened to him. What does he have to gain from misdirection? It turns out he has everything to gain. I saw a good ten questions from that part. That said, there is no AOC in college. Read everything your lecturer gives you. And if it is Komolafe, read the textbook with it.

Step 7: Ask Your Seniors Questions

College is tactical, and sometimes experience teaches you what to expect. Seniors have been through the true or false, the Emma Okon revered questions, and Anatomy’s dedication to past questions. Tides stay mostly the same; what played out in their time will likely play out in yours. Ask them which textbook they think is best. They have done the trial by error, so you don’t have to do it. 

Step 8: Know What Works for You 

Are you an Anki warrior, or would you rather rewrite notes till your hands ache? Are you a morning or night person? Do videos help? And do you fancy group discussions? Knowing what optimizes your retention lets you make the best use of your time, and setting the right foundation now will help ensure you pass when the OMR sheet with a 10-page question paper comes. 


It is still possible to get into the 70s and 80s. You have a lot of time. So now that you know how to use your pre-clinical one best, I hope you put them into practice. Remember, part 2 is easy, and you are smart enough to pass. Do away with distractions and ask the right questions. And maybe next year, you will hear from me again teaching you how to navigate Part 3. Because, trust me, it is a different ball game. 


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