Rain Semester – The Season of Malaria.

Rain Semester and Malaria.

Rain Rain go away, come again another day, little children want to play. 

This was a popular song during my childhood, and I’m sure all GenZ’s can relate to it.

The rainy season is one of my favorite seasons. I always enjoy the cool breezes, cool afternoons with little sun appearance, and most importantly the cold nights and early mornings.

Rain semester is infamous for the incessant downpour and this session is not any different. For OAU students, the second semester also known as the Rain Semester is gradually rounding off, meaning exams are just around the corner. Aside from that, this past week, I have seen a lot of pictures of the 2024 FYBs in beautiful outfits commemorating their final year as undergraduates. God when?

One thing associated with this rainy season is Malaria. It is a notorious endemic disease in our country and can be very life-threatening. As a student, the worst time to get sick is before and during exams. It can be very frustrating.

So how can you protect yourself from malaria during this critical period? Although malaria is recurrent in our environment, you can prevent yourself from being infected.

What Causes Malaria?

Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium falciparum, which is always carried by a female anopheles mosquito. A single bite from this infected carrier can cause malaria infection.

What are the Symptoms of Malaria?

The symptoms of malaria usually start about ten to fifteen days after being bitten by an infected female anopheles mosquito. Some symptoms you might experience when infected with malaria are:

  • Fever, that typically worsens at night 
  • Headache
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Sore throat and cough
  • Chills
  • Body weakness
  • Abdominal pain

The above symptoms are also common with other infections. Getting tested at a health facility is essential to receive the right antibiotics and treatment.

What are the Complications of Malaria?

Malaria is life-threatening and if not treated promptly and rightly, it can result in severe complications. Some of the complications are Severe anemia, Cerebral malaria, and even organ damage.

How can Malaria be Prevented?

Now we have talked about the dangers of malaria infection, it is also important to know how to prevent this infection.

Malaria is endemic in our environment and it can be quite difficult to prevent an infection. However, there are measures you can take to avoid a severe infection. There are:

  • Properly cover your skin

Overnights are a common culture here on campus. Ensure you are properly dressed for the occasion: wear thick socks, long-sleeved tops and long trousers, a head warmer, and gloves.

  • Apply insect-repellent creams

This should serve as a form of 2-FA. Ensure you cover your skin even after applying the creams. A commonly used insect-repellent cream Odomous. There are also some insect repellent sprays you can apply to your clothes.

  • Boost your immune system

This is very important, as it prevents other infections other than malaria. I know the Tinubu era has made food very expensive, but still try to eat well, sleep well, avoid stress, and exercise regularly.

  • Sleep under an insecticide-treated mosquito nets
  • Clear stagnant water in your surroundings, and also the bushes. They serve as breeding sites for mosquitoes.

Once you notice any deviation from your normal body system, don’t self-medicate, please go to the health center or a pharmacy. Get tested, and receive the appropriate treatment. 

Another important thing is to ensure you complete your medications, even though you feel better after two or three doses. Otherwise, these parasites evolve and develop resistance against the antibiotics and become more difficult to treat. 

For other health-related tips, click here.

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