Hello, dearest readers. It’s that time of the week when we bring to you individuals of great honor. Please, join me in welcoming our Personality of the Week, The Lady Excel, a design virtuoso of the Unicus Class.
MediVoice: Hello, Excel, or should I say The Lady Excel? Can we meet you?
Excel Kayode: Any is fine. My name is Excel Kayode. I’m a part 4 medical student who loves to design and is a bit obsessed with her name. 😌 I also own a brand called TheLadyExcel.
MediVoice: Ohh, the name thing, right? I can relate. 😂 How has been your journey in medical school so far?
Excel Kayode: For me, it has been interesting. It’s very fascinating learning new things about the human body and knowing how the body system works. The stress that comes with it is the uninteresting part of it.
MediVoice: Do you happen to engage in any extracurricular activities aside from medical school or you’re someone who focuses solely on the degree?
Excel Kayode: Yes, As I mentioned earlier, I am a graphic designer. I’m also the editor-in-chief of CMDA (Christian Medical and Dental Association of Nigeria) OAUTHC chapter.
MediVoice: Wow. That’s beautiful. A graphic designer and a leader. So, how do you manage clinicals with other activities you engage in?
Excel Kayode: Managing clinicals is a lot of things. First, I make sure I get a good sleep after the long stretch of classes, very important.
Second, I make sure I write down the things I need to do, there’s so much running through one’s head in this class.
Finally, I prioritize. Doing that most important task at the right time and letting other things come after.
MediVoice: Indeed, managing clinicals is a lot of things. You said earlier that you have a brand called TheLadyExcel, what do you do?
Excel Kayode: TheLadyExcel brand is a graphic design brand. I help other brands communicate effectively with beautiful and functional designs. I also own a course called Learn and Earn with Canva (LEC), through which I teach people how to design. I’ve taught over 100 students how to design professionally using their smartphones
MediVoice: Over a hundred!? It’s so riveting to meet a lady who knows her onions. 🤭 So, what comes to your mind when you’re called The Lady Excel?
Excel Kayode: Well, I feel really good. I am that Lady Excel. The one helped marvelously by God, the one God is so intentional about. The lady with so much grit, energy, and resilience. It’s so enthralling to know I’ve resonated with that name.
MediVoice: That level of vigor, uhn? I love your confidence. Part 4 is a very challenging year for most medical students, do you have any regrets during this period?
Excel Kayode: Regrets kẹ̀? Never thought of that. I don’t think I have any regrets. The stress can be a lot, yes, but it’s only training me to be an excellent doctor.
MediVoice: The perfect growth mindset. Being a clinical medical student what keeps you going?
Excel Kayode: I’ll say the drive for proficiency in caring for the whole man keeps me going. I cannot settle for mediocrity. Also, knowing that all of this – being a student – is just for a season. A season that’ll surely come to an end. So, I can put in my best now and reap the rewards soon enough.
MediVoice: Hmm..the feeling of knowing it’s just for a while. Now, can you share with us your exciting and worst moments in medical school?
Excel Kayode: Exciting moments are when I see my results and they are a testament to the effort invested into them. Also, when I finally saw that concluding slide after the very long 3-5 pm afternoon classes. 😫😂
My worst moment so far in medical school was when I had to write the Part 2 MB exam with a fractured leg.
MediVoice: Ohh a fractured leg, and still you passed? Indeed, you’re that Lady Excel. 🤭 What advice do you have for upcoming clinical medical students?
Excel Kayode: I’ll say, Part 4 is a long class. You need God’s grace and strength to keep going. Have a good support system, take it one step at a time, one posting at a time, and enjoy yourself while at it. Don’t wait until you don’t have exams to do other extracurricular activities, that time will not come. And…try to get a space in Gloryland. 😂
MediVoice: I saw what you did there. 😂 Now, tell me a fun fact about you.
Excel Kayode: Hmm, I don’t love plantain that much, most people find this weird tho.
MediVoice: Wow! That being said, I identify as ‘most people’. 😂 Now, do you have a senior colleague you admire? 🌝
Excel Kayode: Yes, I admire all my senior colleagues. They’re amazing and they make medical school much easier. Shout out to them. ❤️
MediVoice: Ohh, you’re a master of subtlety, I like that! 😂 Coming to the end of today’s ride, any final words for MediVoice?
Excel Kayode: MediVoice is doing a great job. Well done to every member of the team.
MediVoice: Thank you so much, Excel, that means a lot to us. It was so nice having you here.
All done, all good! We’ve come to the end of this week’s personality feature. I must say, it was quite interesting. And to all my dear readers, thank you for staying with me till the end. If you’d like to see more of this, you can find it here.
Until next time, have a great day! ✨
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