Hello MediVoice readers, how have you been? How are you managing in this weather? Cold most times? Or you hate the incessant rain?
Either way, it is another publication week. You just need to sit back with a cup of tea and meet Nifemi Susan.
Let’s get started!
Hiii Nifemi Susan. Can MediVoice readers meet you?
Hiii, I’m honored to be featuring on MediVioice. My name is Adedoja Oluwanifemi Susan,a member of the part 2 class, Magna Medicos. My classmates call me Susan🤗
It’s an honor to have you here too! Now, tell me, how has it been so far as a preclinical I student? And how is prep for the upcoming MB?
It has been a lotttttt, really, filled with lots of ups and downs. It has been a time of learning, unlearning, relearning, strategizing and restrategizing, time of calming reading and crash reading. I enjoy it sometimes but most of times, I just want to go home 😅, I need to catch my breath, since November! Me sef don try 😂. MB preparation? Let’s finish T&A first please 😂🤲
Okay. I feel you. Med school can be a lot. Scratch that, it is a lot. Leading to my next question. What are some of the culture shocks you experienced since you got into medical school?
One of the major things I’ve had to battle with is the fact that I practically have to teach myself, 90% of the work here, the teaching and learning process is by the students and not the lecturers, with all due respect 😅 unlike secondary school🥲. Also the bulkiness of each course, as if teaching yourself isn’t enough😖.
Well, some will say you now have to put on your big girl pants, it is the university now. Tell me, was there anything you were looking forward to before entering medical school?
Dressing corporate 😌, I admire medical students’ dressing a lot, very sharp and posh.
You don’t even dress corporate yet. Well, that part will come with time. Next question, If not medicine, what would you have studied?
Child Psychology, Economics
Child psychology really? I didn’t see that coming. We should talk more about that but before then, Is there anyone you look up to in college?
Quite a number of them, Funmilayo Sopade, Akinola in part 3, Owowolu Emmanuel and Orojo Bamidele in part 5, Olawale-Success Delight in part 3, to mention a few.
Awwwwn… quite a shout out. Thank you for doing a good work Funmi, Akinola, Emmanuel, Bamidele, and Delight. Nifemi Susan looks up to you. Next up, what else are you passionate about aside medicine?
Crocheting, volunteering, proper child care advocacy, God, singing, engaging in discussion centered on planning events.
Interesting! You actually have a lot going on for you outside medicine. Okay, so what has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
Being in medical school, infact I take my flowers please 😂. Also, the events I’ve volunteered for, and being The Audit Secretary for IFUMSA😌
By all means take your flowers. You more than deserve for making it this far. With what admission process looks like now? You’re living someone’s dream. Which leads to my next question. What advice will you give to someone looking to come into medical school?
Have a reason why you want to study medicine, that’s the biggest push you need when things get tough and rough, also have people around you, you can’t survive here as a lone ranger. Lastly be ready for the downs, really there will be downs but with God you shall do valiantly. Have God,e get why❗
Have God, e get why! 😂 Thank you Nifemi for all of that. We are almost rounding up. So tell me, how will you describe IFUMSA?
IFUMSA is a very structured and organized association, with great minds, a place of building solid networks with top people. As far as I’m concerned, no association in OAU can beat IFUMSA’s standard. If you want to fully understand me, join an association under IFUMSA and be involved in volunteering. IFUMSA is one big family, fr.
Awwwn, that’s so sweet of you. IFUMSA is indeed one big family. Finally, do you have any word for MediVoice?
Y’all are doing a very great job here, I sincerely admire your writing prowess and how you juggle giving you the best with your academics, keep up the good work. Thank you so much for having me here
Awwwn, thank you! We really appreciate the comment and we will Infact keep up the good work.
Thank you so much Nifemi Susan for doing this with me today. I enjoyed every part of this.
Dear readers, I hope you had a good time reading through this as much as I had writing this. It was indeed a jolly ride getting to know Nifemi Susan of Magna Medicos.
You’ve come this far with me. Thank you for reading all through. You are the best. To read similar content to this, check this out. Thank me later.
Finally, I want to say thank you for always reading. See you next time on the blog.
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