MEDIVOICE SPECIAL: Interviews With Four  Nominees  For  The  Face  of IFUMSA

Hey guys! It’s less than twelve hours to the highly anticipated Mystical twilight dinner of the 34th IFUMSA Health Week and no, we still can’t wait to see who goes home with all the awards available in the different categories. Starting from the first ever IFUMSA Ballon d’or, organ/committee of the year to the face of IFUMSA!

Last week we interviewed two of the amazing nominees; Baruwa Tawakalt and Adegoke Kolade,

This week it’s going to be all about the other four nominees. Read, read, enjoy and keep your fingers crossed for your faveeee!!!! 

Meet the athletic and incumbent face of IFUMSA, Agbakwuru Maxmillian👇

The versatile Joy Phebe Seth! 👇

IFUMSA’s very own LOLU Akinteye👇

Stalwarts’ very own Fasuyi Emmanuel 👇

Bon Appétit! 😍😍

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