M.N.A: Can we meet you please?
Nominee: Hey! I’m Joy Phebe Seth (Joie), a Part 3 medical student and CEO of Joie’s Cakes.

M.N.A: Where do you hail from?
Nominee: I hail from Zango Kataf local government of Kaduna State.

M.N.A: What are your hobbies?
Nominee: My hobbies are potography, baking and travelling.

M.N.A: As a nominee for the face of IFUMSA 2019, how has that made you feel and what’s your expected outcome?
Nominee: I feel honored as I didn’t see the nomination coming. I really don’t know what to expect…I guess we’d all have to wait.

M.N.A: What do you think makes you stand out amongst other nominees?

Nominee: I really don’t see myself any better than any other nominee.

M.N.A: Do you regard yourself as a creative? If so, why?
Nominee: Yes, I think I’m creative as I always present with mind blowing ideas especially in cases where I am the creative director for a particular shoot or when I have to decorate a cake…

M.N.A: Which IFUMSite has an exceptional personality that you admire? Tell us about him/her

Nominee: Agbakwuru Maxmilian has an exceptionally amazing personality + a really charming smile! Max could be really savage though! He’s well balanced academically, pretty versatile…sports, red cross etc… He looks out for others! I could go on and on…

M.N.A: what are your pet peeves?


M.N.A: if not Medicine, which course would you choose to study?
Nominee: If not medicine, maybe English since that’s what my parents wanted (and still want) for me.

M.N.A: has any movie inspired you to the best of who you are? Tell us about it.


M.N.A: Who’s your best actor or actress and why?

Nominee: I dont have a favorite actor/actress, I just enjoy my movies…

M.N.A: What type of books do you read outside academics. Name one
Nominee: Lol, I hardly read books outside academics but when I do, they are usually on entrepreneurship e.g. ‘Who stole my cheese?’

M.N.A: what do you appreciate most about MEDIVOICE?

Nominee: What I appreciate the most about medivoice is the fact that the agency doesn’t depend on medically related activities only.

M.N.A: Do you have any political post and/or ambition in the Association ? If yes, which?
Nominee: Currently, I hold no political office but have an ambition to be the next Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the association.

M.N.A: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Nominee: In ten years, I see myself as the CEO of one of the biggest photo studios in the country, happily married, maybe with a kid or two…I can’t say for my medical career though.

M.N.A: What is your philosophy of life?
Nominee: My favorite quote says it all, “If you’re looking for the road to success, ask those who are just back from there”…

M.N.A: Give a shout out to your friends
Nominee: Shout out to all Stalwarts, Konnect OAU, Lolu, Max, Dr. Awesome, basically every one who’s had my back! I love y’all!

M.N.A: Thank you for your time.

Nominee: You’re welcome


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