Ifumsa Health Awareness Club popularly called IHAC is an organ under the Medical Students’ Assiociaton of Obafemi Awolowo University. This is an interview with Oloyede Kehinde, the chairperson of IHAC.

Medivoice: Can we know you please?
I am Oloyede Kehinde, a clinical 3 student. I’m currently the chairperson of IHAC.
Medivoice: kindly tell us what we need to know about IHAC?
IHAC is one of the organs of IFUMSA, established in 2012. It promotes awareness on health in various places and through media platforms.
The club has 4 subcommittees: the publication, In-house, media, and school outreach teams. Members join 2 teams of their interests each tenure, and are involved in planning and executing activities generated from collective ideas.
MEDIVOICE: Can you briefly also tell us how you came to be a part of IHAC?
I became a member of the club in 2016. Akinteye Lolu visited my class after a Botany exam to inform us about recruitment into the club. Tawakalt, now the vice chairperson and I were a little fascinated and decided to join.
MEDIVOICE: What would you say you love most about your club?
I love the diversity. I believe a lot more can be incorporated and carried out by the club.
MEDIVOICE: We learnt that there was an in-house election before your appointment by the President. How did it go? And how has running the club been for you? Especially combining it with Medical school and your personal life?
As usual, the electoral committee gave a platform for the members to nominate and a candidate was selected afterwards.
Running the club has been smooth, though tasking. I’m sure that’s because I’ve been an active member since my first year in Medical school. So, the stress is “familiar” with a grounded experience in running the club.
Med school schedule demands a lot and gives little free time. Foresight, prior preparation of programs with flexibility for adjustment where need be has been helpful. At times, it can be overwhelming still but I strive to maintain a balance nevertheless.
MEDIVOICE: What are your plans for the club this year and aside your club members, are there plans for IFUMSAites?
Valuable health program for students on campus,
Outreaches to schools, markets and village.
Periodic programs for workers with beneficial health talks.
Knowledge and skill-based in-house training and interval quiz with prices.
Volunteering for major programs with certificates are open to IFUMSAites. Also, any other plan for IFUMSAites will be made known.
MEDIVOICE: While your predecessors have done a good job in bringing the club this far, what areas do you plan to do better than them?
There are certain things I’ll like to incorporate. I will not mention them but hope they pan out well. Stability of our radio programs including interviews, jingles periodically, and ensuring every member is well engaged are part of what I’ll like to strengthen.
MEDIVOICE: Have you at anytime envisioned yourself leading the club?
Yes. During my period as the vice chairperson.
MEDIVOICE: How has funding been for IHAC events? and how do you overcome the financial constraint, if any?
We make prior preparation to source for funds through Alumni and other means before the major programs
MEDIVOICE: What has been your proudest moment so far as the chairman of IHAC?
I will not pin that on a particular moment or event. The consistency of our activities and achieving part of our goals so far has been more gladdening.
MEDIVOICE: Can you also share your biggest challenges?
Funds and the academic schedule. Though we have adapted coping mechanism by going through the stress of seeking funds, I believe a solid financial ground will facilitate conduction of many programs and ideas we’ll love to bring to light.
Despite flexibility and good planning, making sacrifices to go for school outreach early by 7:30a.m or an event on precious weekends when you can study is not always convenient.
MEDIVOICE: What advice would you give to IFUMSAites who hope to one day join the club?
Every club demands dedication of its members, it’s pertinent you’re ready to do so when you join the club. Join as much as you can commit to and early, as experiences are better than joining at the last year.
MEDIVOICE: Any word for MediVoice and our audience?
Thanks for the platform Medivoice and every person who read through.
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