Ifumsa Quiz and Debate Club popularly called IQDC is an organ under the Medical Students’ Assiociaton of Obafemi Awolowo University. This is an interview with Badru Muhydeen, the chairperson of IQDC.

MEDIVOICE: Can we meet you please?
Badru Muhydeen Damilola, more regarded as “Badru M.D.” A 600L student of this great association, the immediate past D.O.Sports and the current Chairman of this great club.
MEDIVOICE: People know IQDC members as ‘stuffy’ people. As the new chairman of IQDC, I believe it’s safe to say you’re the ‘stuffiest’ person in IFUMSA?😅
Well, I prefer to say I’m the Chairman of the stuffiest set of people in IFUMSA.😄
Because it’s an administrative position which not just ‘stuff’ brings you, but definitely, it’s an essential quality. I would prefer the interpretation to be the chairman of the stuffiest set of people. 😅
MEDIVOICE: Can you briefly tell us how you came to be a part of IQDC?
Was in 2019, after part 3. My classmate who is a member, Abdulkareem Misbahudeen casually encouraged me to take the form as I’ve always felt the same thing many outsiders feel while applying to the club – not “stuffy” enough. Luckily, I passed the interview and the club took me in alongside some others that took the form.
MEDIVOICE: What would you say you love most about your club?
It gives me the responsibility to be “knowledge-fit” because the club’s values center on acquiring knowledge within medicine and outside of it. Coming as joint-top might be the leverage to meet vibrant minds within our own medical school and also across Nigeria and beyond.
MEDIVOICE: We learnt that there was an in-house election before your appointment by the President. How did it go? And how has running the club been for you? Especially combining it with Medical school and your personal life?
Yes, there was an election. I was nominated and luckily for me, there was no other nomination. I was considered most appropriate. Since then, I’ve been working to maintain the trust the club members have in me.
Running the club has been a bit tasking because of some adjustments we’ve been making to improve. However, it’s certainly what I enjoy because, in the process of running the responsibilities, I’m getting “knowledge-fit” myself.
MEDIVOICE: What are your plans for the club this year and aside your club members, are there plans for IFUMSAites?
Well, the club will run the debate competition that will be part of the health week program. The club might also organize an inter-class quiz on General Knowledge for members across all classes.
We have one more program that may involve some IFUMSAites that I would rather not reveal at the moment.
MEDIVOICE: While your predecessors have done a good job in bringing the club this far, what areas do you plan to do better than them?
Basically, adding to the structure of the club and establishing more consistency in progress. That’s my fundamental goal with the club and I’ve been trying to do just that.
MEDIVOICE: Following the success of IQDC’s team at the NiMSA Preclinical quiz, how do you feel? Did you expect the results?
Well, IFUMSA has the best minds in Nigeria (and even Africa, permit me to stretch that) and in IQDC we have the best set of people among the best minds in Africa. I think the club is good enough to achieve anything. I was extremely happy with our performance at the Quiz. Top 2 of 36 MSAs is a big one but knowing the people that represented us and the culture of the club, it wasn’t a great surprise. Anything is achievable for us as a club.
MEDIVOICE: What has been your proudest moment so far as the chairman of IQDC?
The NiMSA Preclinical Quiz, surely – for some sentimental reasons I’d rather not divulge on air.😄
MEDIVOICE: Can you also share your biggest challenges?
Adding more successes to an already successful club with a rich history of giant strides is surely the biggest challenge for me.
MEDIVOICE: It has been a long standing culture that recruitment process for IQDC starts from 200L, but during the last recruitment exercise, the club recruited 100L students. What changed?
It’s in line with the earlier discussion about adding to the structure and establishing more consistency to our progress. We thought recruiting a few from the part 1 class will give them ample time to develop within the club and also stimulate their knowledge, pre-medical school – for preservation.
MEDIVOICE: What advice would you give to IFUMSAites who hope to one day join the club?
That no one joins the club “ready-made”. We are all at the club to improve ourselves. The club should a factory of improvement in terms of knowledge.
MEDIVOICE: Any word for MediVoice and our audience?
I think I might be biased towards Medivoice among other clubs because of how well we’ve worked together so far. Apart from that, due to the energy and consistency the club is showing, I think the club has the potential to be one of the biggest news hub in OAU and beyond. I think there’s that potential within the club.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, Gracias.
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