#IFUMSAElections2023 #IFUMSADecides2023 DISCLAIMER The election season is upon us, and as the association’s leading press entity, it is imperative to communicate the following guidelines to the public. These…

Medical Students Dominate As ACJOAU Releases Finalists for Adejumo Kabir Essay Contest
Story by Ajibade Abdullah Adewale As the Association of Campus Journalists, Obafemi Awolowo University (ACJOAU) prepares for its annual International Campus Journalism Conference and celebration of its 50th…

100K Professional Fee: The Staff, The Students, and Everything In-between.
On the 23rd of March, the authorities of the Obafemi Awolowo University’s College of Health Sciences, invited undergraduate students in its three faculties for a colloquium. These faculties…

The Buzz around NiMSA last week was the Standing Committee on Public Health’s International Public Health Symposium (IPHS) held at Ibadan. The summit recorded the attendance of delegates…