The Last Apprentice

Health Hacks II: No Money No Problem

I described what health hacks are in the first part of this article. They are those simple yet clever tips, tricks and actions that promote good health. In…


The 500 level class is gradually coming to an end. And it is high time we revisited a lie we all all allowed to slide at the beginning…

First Clerking: Not Apparently Well

Clerking is one of the necessary evils in medical school. My first clerking in medical school was an epic disaster. If a compilation of worst clerkings was done,…


Nutraceuticals: Food as Medicine

The term nutraceuticals was coined in the late 1980s by Stephen DeFelice. It is a combination of two words “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical”. Nutraceuticals are food or food product…

To Sleep or to Keep Shortchanging your Health

Sleep deprivation will kill you more quickly than food deprivation Student and Sleep. Two words you don’t often meet in a sentence. And honestly, I’m going to feel…

Welcome to Clinical 1: A Guide to Part 4

Alternative title: Clinical 1 Starter Pack Clinical 1! The beginning of the apprenticeship year and your first real opportunity to pretend to be a doctor. It’s a new…

A Relook at UIMSA v IFUMSA Friendly Games: The Bigger Picture

Over the weekend, the IFUMSA Scalpels set out to Ibadan for a series of friendly games. The games played included Chess, Scrabble and Football. Things certainly did not…

Community Outreach: IHAC Takes Wholesome Health To Ikire

In keeping with tradition, the Oloyede Kehinde-led IFUMSA Health Awareness Club (IHAC) administration, held its community outreach last Saturday in Ikire. Ikire, a well-known town in Osun State,…

IFUMSA Football League 2.0: Fallen Giants, a Formidable Wall and Frenzy Football

Like everything that has a beginning, the IFUMSA Football League 2023 came to a beautiful ending. The champions have been crowned. 15 games. 6 teams. 1 champion. When…

Ten Signs Your Class is in the Incourse Season🌩️

It’s incourse season. And you would have been noticing too: classmates suddenly go low-key; discussion groups that were dead spring to life; materials you never knew of start…