An amber- coloured sky, A floating shadow With a scythe in hand and a raised hat in the other “for I’m finally the victor…again- One has finally released…
Death is a Companion
I have not seen death Neither have I tasted of death’s own poison But I have smelled death I know how it smells like Death smells like December…
On Years… And goodbyes
Cycles and seasons throw their weight on us,Forcing our legs and hips to move to their impatient rhythms…Like how it was January few days ago,And now we’re sticking…
If Life Were A Movie
If life were a movie I’d hit fast forward Go past all the milestones in a breeze And then rewind to the playground If life were a fairy-tale…
A Writer’s psyche
We write what we can, how we can, Not just for the applause, But the release that comes with bleeding on paper, And making our thoughts come alive,…
I still have your Rose
It seems a million years ago, when you gifted me a rose, was it a symbol of your love, Or was it you telling me to give up…