
Sedentary behaviour

Sedentary Behaviour and Cardiovascular Health.

Sedentary behaviour is any activity that involves very little physical movement and low energy use. This includes activities that bring about prolonged sitting or lying down. In this…

How to style your Scrubs.

A few years ago, we didn’t always wear scrubs as medical personnels in Nigeria; with the advent of scrubs came the need to look good and stylish in…

Marketplaces in Nigeria


A simple guide, especially for agoraphobes, to survive in some of the world’s most crowded places. Introduction Markets. These places test your ability to exercise patience, protecting your…

Health Hacks II: No Money No Problem

I described what health hacks are in the first part of this article. They are those simple yet clever tips, tricks and actions that promote good health. In…

Olumirin Waterfall: Affordable Places to See in Nigeria

Intro Olumirin Waterfall is one of the most affordable places to see in Nigeria. Situated in Erin-Ijesha, Osun State, this beautiful waterfall, with its exciting hiking paths, is…

Brain Foods for Medical Students: Boosting Focus and Retention Through Diet

Medical school is a lot to handle, and there is so much information to consume and things to remember; this means that our brains have to work optimally,…

4 Affordable Places to See in Nigeria for a School Break in 2025

Intro Prioritizing self-care as a Nigerian student should be at the top of your 2025 bucket list. I know what you are thinking; isn’t travelling expensive? Well, it…

Unique Food Combinations to Try

Today, we’ll be discussing unique food combinations you should try! “Half a loaf is better than none.” If I were to interpret this in a layman’s way, I…


My Opinion About Life

Good day dear readers. Today, I’ll be giving a highlight on my opinion about life First, in life, I would faintly categorize people around us into two(2) groups.…

Medical Student

3 Golden Reasons to Always Love Yourself As A Medical Student.

Good day dear readers, these 3 reasons to love yourself as a medical student avert depression and enhance selflove. Read through each time you look at the (maybe)…