EDITOR’S NOTE 18/8/2019

     “can’t nobody fly with all that shit. Wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down”

-Toni Morrison, song of solomon (1977)

While we started the month of August by losing one of our gems in the literary world –Toni Morrison, winner of the nobel price for literature in 1993, an American novelist, essayist, editor, teacher and professor emeritus at Princeton University—we weren’t so downcast, because we have lots of her words to keep her alive in us, and her works, to keep inspiring several generations of writers.

The quote above, just like one of my poems; “on letting go and goodbyes”  https://thepenndoctor.wordpress.com/2018/12/27/on-letting-go-and-goodbyes/ emphasizes the great need to shed off pieces from the past that have stuck to us like a second skin. Forgive yourself of things you couldn’t control and embrace the prospect of greater things you can achieve. “can’t nobody fly with all that shit…” yh, no truer words have been said.

There are twelve days left in August, and we at MEDIVOICE are excited to discuss our book of the month –Joys of motherhood, a classic written by another literary Queen, Buchi Emecheta. A book that tells a tragic story of Nnu-Ego who struggled to gain the respect of her society which was strongly hinged on fertility. Joys of motherhood, one of the first books to scar my heart and capture its core at the same time. Indeed, it is a must-read.

Lastly, before I drop my pen. There are four months left in 2019. A gentle, poking reminder that; “time dey go”

Muteeat Salami,

Editor-in-chief 2019.

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