When you write your first, others keep on coming!
Good day, Dear readers. First, we felicitate with the Invictus class on their just-concluded first set of incourse exams. They are presently being stretched as they prepare for the other sets of incourses. Though, they just must go by their name, “The unconquerable“. With pleasure, Medivoice interviewed a few Invictus members to document their expressions during and after their first set of incourse exams. Below are the interview questions
1) On a scale of 1-10, how well were you prepared for your upper lower incourse? 😊
2) One word to express what you felt during your BCH exam
3) Also, you went to the physio exam hall with a calculator, right? But there were no calculation questions. What were you calculating during the exam? 😂
4) The next incourse exams should be Histo-Embro, what’s your current academic status concerning this? 🥲
5) Lastly, with the completion of these set of first courses, if you were to stop or start attending classes, which would it be?🤫
1) 8
2) I believed I had read the materials back to back, only to see some questions from (external forces) 🥲
3) Nothing
4) Histoembro just gets as e be oo, still on the first topic but it’s so boringgggg
5) Probably attending physio class more sha
1. I would say 7, the remaining 3 goes to the fact I didn’t study vishram PQ
2. Since it was the first incourse, normal nervousness but at a point, I became relaxed
3. I didn’t go with a calculator but I calculated a score sha
4. Histo is kinda and fair thanks to the practical but that embryo, on God
5. I had been attending classes but got lazy at a point and that’s what physio used to cut me, so this time would make sure to attend classes steadily
1. 8, even though the result was not as expected.
2. Perplexed
3. I didn’t enter with a calculator and there was no calculation, but I needed to borrow one during the exam to calculate my score 😂
4. I just started studying histo and embryo seriously tbh, but I hope for the best from it.🤧
5. To be candid, I don’t think I will stop attending an classes, I stabbed few classes during first incourse and I think it affected me in some ways by missing vital points during the classes. So I’ll try to attend classes as much as I can
1) 6
2) Nervous
3) to be honest, I was calculating my how negative marking was going to affect my score
4) mogbè ò, academic danger rè o
5) none, I’ve learned my lesson. Enough with ” ah, and the man said it in class o”. I want to be a serious student this time around thank you 🤩
1) 6
2) calm
3) nothing, the calculator just dey warm my pocket
4) I am cooked, very cooked, very very cooked
5) keep attending class
1) 8
2) I was shocked because I was expecting Prof.Emma Okon to ask questions from her slide😢, no questions from Sanfoundry😢😂
3) Bro,I was using the calculator to calculate my score as per negative marking is -1😂😂4) Not well prepared 😢
5) Stop: Anatomy Start:physiology Thank you 🤩
1) 7
2) calm
3) my score
4) cooked
5) start walai 😂
1)9, but the result was inversely proportional to the preparation.
2. Alhamdulilah, it’s not badddddd!
3. Koyemi ooo😩. I just held the calculator without using it.
4. He chooooke😩. I’m trying my best but everything keeps evaporating.
5. Startoppppp. I love going to classes no matter what but sometimes it feels like I wasted my time😩.
Though there are a lot unexpressed, this should be an overview of what the Invictus class felt after their first set of incourses. Continue to triumph Dear Class, your resilience during this period will surely be a good one to share as you go higher. If you enjoyed this, click here for more related posts
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