Meet Owoyemi Adesewa- The Vivacious Anime Lover.

Owoyemi Adesewa

MediVoice: Esteemed fellows, you are in for another journey of immeasurable pleasure after a break in transmission. You are highly welcome as usual. However, I am here on a unicorn to meet a vivacious human whose magnificent aura is…can we meet you?

Hi, my name is Owoyemi Adesewa, a member of the Tenacious class. I am from Ondo state.

MediVoice: Wow! We shall discuss how your name describes you later. So, do you have a nickname?

POTW: I don’t have one.

MediVoice: Wow! We are the only individuals in the ‘world wide web’ without a nickname. However, I could give one if you don’t mind. A senior colleague you admire?

Akinmoladun Titi Precious.🤭

MediVoice: Okay. I want to ask this on behalf of the association of shot-shooters- I am actually not a member or spokesperson-: what’s basically your relationship status?

I am basically Single.

MediVoice: Shot-shooters, you got the message. I shan’t say more. Moreover, Asides medicine what else? Or is three really a crowd?

Asides medicine, I write (sometimes 👀), I crochet too(started that as a business but it’s on hold for now).

MediVoice: I shall say this again: Aside a guy in Port Moresby, I am the only individual who now believes three is a crowd. I am basically the only Ifumsaite who has no “what else” asides medicine. And, I am not yam. However, Why medicine?

I have always wanted to be a doctor since I was 6.😂 The desire to save lives and help people was my drive then, but now, it’s more than that. The human body is unique, and there’s always a new discovery, so, I want to discover new solutions to pre-existing or future health problems.

MediVoice: To be sincere, my brain is properly wired with this. I have a dream since… However, what would you have done instead?

Medical laboratory science. Basically, Anything in line with health. This is because for me, it has always been medicine or nothing. 😂

MediVoice: I am especially mesmerized by how passionate you are about medicine. Your neurones are actually synapsing with mine because… Could you share with us a memorable event?

My birthday last year. That was the only birthday I was not angry or sad.

MediVoice: I pray you have a wonderful birthday this year. So, Japa or patriotic?

Japa ooo!! I’ll be patriotic in prayers.😂

MediVoice: Haa! ‘Prayerly patriotic’ (by Ms. Adesewa). You have made up your mind ma. And, Nigeria is earnestly begging you to give her a chance. Name that food that takes you to cloud 99?

Pounded yam and vegetable soup after months of going without it.

MediVoice: Wow! Pounded yam and vegetable soup( if you don’t gerrit forger(t) abourit). Before we forget about it, which indoor or outdoor games do you play?

I’m more of an indoor person and I don’t play games.

MediVoice: Ohh… Moving further, Where do you see yourself in the next 10years In 10 years?

Hmmmmm, I really can’t say. But, left to me, I see myself as a successful doctor with a thriving business and yes! Most likely married.😂

MediVoice: I hope the shot-shooters are doing serious calculation. Moreover, If you were to hold a leadership position in the college, what would you do you differently?

POTW: I can’t say much until I find myself occupying an office. The present administration has been great and wonderful so far.


Absolutely! The Octagon is doing the job of a ‘multigon’. The stars are witnesses. So, a junior colleague you admire.

POTW: I don’t know my junior colleagues that well.


Ohh… There are a lot of amazing individuals in Magna Medicos, and Tenacious classes. Additionally, Is there a state in Nigeria you would love to visit? I am not sponsoring the journey though.

POTW: Abuja. It’s number one on my “to go” list.


Abuja, the house of soup(literal translation). Furthermore, a country you would love to visit? (If you are sponsoring, I wouldn’t mind tagging along).

POTW: Japan for the love of anime.


Eat in or eat out?

POTW: Eat in.


So, who is your role model?

POTW: My mum.🤭


(Asa’s song about mothers establishing itself in my brain). Kindly say a few words to our dearest IFUMSAITES.

POTW: To every IFUMSAITES, medical school really isn’t easy but challenges are just stepping stones to success, so don’t give up.🥺


Again, I shall write these words with a diamond. In essence, try to see the brightest light in your darkest nights. Shall I ask you to describe yourself so far, in a sentence?

POTW: I really love being alone.


You really love being with yourself, and yourself is full of life; I must say. So, a fun fact about you.?

POTW: I make really nice egusi soup.😂😂


I should really stop over one of these days to get a taste. In addition, I don’t mind coming with egusi’s partner- pounded yam- or concubine – fufu. (Imagination wan kill me). A statement you often repeat.



GOD HELP ME, the classical form of GOD ABEG. The street men can relate. Essentially, what’s your Perception about life?

POTW: Life is not smooth sailing. It’s more of a mix of yin and yang, so I try not to dwell too much on the bad days and to be prepared for the worst even in my best moments.


These words should be on a bill board for men to see. It’s been a long dayyyy! Finally, final words for Medivoice.

POTW: I love what you guys are doing. Keep up the good work, cheers.


We shall heed your advice!

Honorables, we are really going to draw the curtain here, as, that which prevent you from chewing meat for a long time is beckoning on us too. However, join us next time for another sizzling and mesmerizing episode of personality of the week. Till then, stay safe! Eat healthy! Sleep well!

You can check out previous episodes of Medivoice’s personality of the week here.

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