Take pride in how far you have come, have faith in how far you can go”


  What is the first thing that came to your mind when you read the quote above?. For me, it was the thought of the inescapable journey through life that begins from the moment of one’s birth till the day of death. However, life’s journey is in phases, one bus stop being the beginning of the next journey. I would be speaking however more specifically on our Journey as intending medical practitioners.

   A lot of us have different inspiring stories about how we ended up studying Medicine and on how we scaled through the admission processes. Nevertheless, as you take pride in the hurdles you have overcome to get to where you are such as JAMB, predegree or PUTME, in courses, EOPs and MBs either as a clinical or preclinical student, Look ahead!. Its not over till its finally over. The irony remains that it is only at that point when you think it is indeed over that you find out that the journey never really ends. It only unlocks the door to a new journey and proves that there is really no limit to how far you can go!.

 Think of it.

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