
How Trauma Changes Your Brain

Say a terrorist group abducted a group of about 200 students from their school. What puts some of these students at risk of developing PTSD after release, and some not?

Report: IHAC Outreach for the 35th Annual IFUMSA Health Week

The malaria test station was a major draw for the students, probably because, as an attendee put it, it was the “major thing that could make one visit the school’s health centre.”

Wait, what if there were no litters?

The earth I envision — the one we should envision — is one free from refuse, blessed with fresh air, and radiant with its beauty.

Suicide: Signs of Suicidal Ideation and What You Can Do to Help

As humans, we can be very unpredictable. Despite this, there are still some telltale behavioural signs to watch out for

HYPOCHONDRIA (Romance with Doctor Google)

There was an unusual boil under my jaw, this was the third time in 2 weeks a lump-like boil was developing on my body.

The Bane of The Hardworker

Burnout experienced by students, referred to as academic burnout, can be just as debilitating and it can also seriously hamper productivity.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Nigerian Health Sector

“The darkest part of the night is just before the dawn” The current coronavirus pandemic has been described by many as a health menace and a wealth destroyer.…