
Med School Lifestyle MediVoice

Medical School Is More Than Big Textbooks!

I am standing with arms akimbo in the middle of the room, one leg of my socks in my hand, and the second leg nowhere to be found.…


The Buzz around NiMSA last week was the Standing Committee on Public Health’s International Public Health Symposium (IPHS) held at Ibadan. The summit recorded the attendance of delegates…

IFUMSA GOT SCOPH, IFUMSA DELIVERED SCOPH! – Featuring Temitayo Femi Matthew 

  Ifumsa wanted SCOPH, Ifumsa got SCOPH, and Ifumsa delivered SCOPH. The Standing Committee on Public Health, SCOPH NiMSA, hosted the third International Public Health Summit last week.…

Interview with Temitayo Matthew

Recently you won the Award for NiMSA best serving executive for the 3rd quarter for 2021. How do you feel about winning the award?