The Full Text of Kolade James’s Opening Address at the Swearing-In Ceremony of the Quintessential Tenure


  1. Protocols: Provost, Dean, Patrons, Part Advisers, Senior Colleagues, Colleagues, Junior Colleagues, Beloved IFUMSAites, ladies and gentlemen.
  2. It is with great joy that I welcome you all to the swearing-in ceremony of the incoming Executive Council and Members of the Student Representative Body for the 2020/21 parliamentary session.  
  3. I stand here today humbled by the mandate given to us, the CAPACITY Team, ably led by my Boss, Beloved Jesupelumi AKINOLA, who is unavoidably absent, as he preparing for his final MB Examination.
  4. We are grateful for the trust bestowed on us by IFUMSAites who have supported us through the rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Your trust, cooperation and love kept us going and will always mean a lot to us.
  5. To our Provost, Dean, Patrons, and Part Advisers who we always run to for help us on different issues. We are grateful. I must say their offices have always been open. Thank you.
  6. On this day, we are witnessing another milestone in our 42 years of existence as an association: the transition of leadership. On this day, we gather because we chose hope over fear, unity over discord.
  7. Over the course of our tenure, we have witnessed immeasurable impact in the association in inclusive policymaking, programs, amongst other capacity interventions.
  8. We had a symposium on Lassa Fever on 6th of February 2020, Freshmen Orientation Week that featured several programs between 7th and 20th of March 2020, Leadership Workshop with Dr Tokunbo Awe, a US-based IFUMSA Alumnus, and former IFUMSA and NiMSA President on 21st of March, 2020, Several Academic Summits.
  9. Despite the pandemic, we didn’t stop working.
  10. We had a Webinar on Opportunities Beyond Medicine facilitated by an Alumnus, Dr Seyi Obembe on April 23rd 2020, WhatsApp Murder Mystery, an Online Game amidst IFUMSAites on 3rd of May 2020, celebrated 7 months of Capacity on 25th of May, 2020 which we also seized to re-launch the IFUMSA YouTube Channel,
  11. We had a Tweetchat on Sexual Assault Among Female Medical Students on 11th of June 2020, Alumni Connect 1.0 on 24th of June, 2020, Talent Meets Medicine which we used to feature creative IFUMSAites on our social media pages also on 24th of June, 2020.
  12. And the most recent, the 35th record-breaking Capacity IFUMSA Health Week, that held between 29th of May and 5th of June, 2021, themed: Gender-Based Violence which featured several programs:  Wale Okediran Finals which doubles as the Opening ceremony, Medical Outreach, GBV rally, Radio Program on Sensitization, Public lecture, and Live concert and Award night tagged: “Untamed.”
  13. For the first time in our 42 years of existence, the Student Representative Body, Legislative Arm of the Association, passed the newly revised Constitution, on the 24th of June, 2021, an attempt of which started over 5 years ago. The design and printing are in place to ensure that all IFUMSAites have a copy of the IFUMSA Constitution.
  14. Also, unprecedented in a very long time, our administration was fully audited while we are yet in service. The Audit Report was passed in the last sitting that was held on the 7th of this month.
  15. We have progressed over the years, not because of the vision or skills of those in high offices, but because IFUMSAites have remained faithful to the ideals of our forebears when this association was created in September 1972; because we remained true to our sacrosanct constitution. So, it has always been. So, it must be.
  16. If there’s anyone out there who still doubts that IFUMSA is an association where anything can be achieved, who still wonders if the dream of our forebears is alive in our time, who still questions the power of democracy, today is your answer. Just look around you.
  17. It’s been long coming, but today, because we upheld the ideals of democracy and liberty on Oct 25, 2019, when this administration was sworn in, and we maintained it till the day when a new administration is about to be sworn in, change has come!
  18. I won’t end this address without congratulating members of the incoming Executive Council lead by my very good friend, brother, mentor and leader, Lolu AKINTEYE. I want to charge you all to maintain the ideals of the Association, keep to your manifestoes and always follow the purpose of unity and teamwork.
  19. Finally, Beloved IFUMSAites, like you showered our administration with love, support and cooperation, I beseech you to extend such to the incoming administration. A lot awaits this association. I believe.
  20. Thank you, Everyone. God bless you. And God bless the Medical Students’ Association, O.A.U. (IFUMSA).

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