What have you heard about the outcome of the sitting that had over 250 ifumsaites in attendance?
Hello readers,
Today, we will be reading through a couple of Ifumsaites’ reactions to the news recent brouhaha that has been going on in the association.
Following the outcome of the emergency sitting that was called on the 20th of October,2024; it has now been decided that there would be an election this year. So Medivoice took to the street of IFUMSA to ask Ifumsaites what they thought of the whole situation and which would they prefer; to have the election this year or defer it to next year as proposed by the presidential appeal for tenure extension.
If you are not familiar with the recent events, check out this post to enlighten yourself and stay abreast of the situation.
Let’s dive right into the business of the day.
Ifumsaites across all classes had diverse response to this election matters. This is quite an interesting range of reactions.
We have some who do not even know what’s going on:
Look at what Rilwan has to say
I barely have a superficial knowledge about what’s happening. Well, I think the election should be next year. I have no particular cogent reason – Rilwan
Another person had this to say:
Well as a somewhat new student to college, I have only experienced one election and my opinion is based on that. I feel the election should hold this year before December and if a tenure even needs to be extended it shouldn’t go beyond this year or induction. Why? Because that’s the law and I don’t see any valid reason why the election shouldn’t hold this year. Btw, when are part 6 convocating?
It looks like induction and convocation rice is an important deciding factor for this Ifumsaite. Which is not bad, I rate it honestly.
This Ifumsaite believes that the current administration has done more than enough already and for peace to reign, it’s time for another set to come in.
I think that we should not be rude to the president; I mean he has done really really wonderful things and he’s not getting paid for it but I think he should be satisfied with ending his tenure with the FAMSA GA, that’s a big one there. I don’t think it has ever been done in IFE before. He should not be overambitious to the extent where his good is evil spoken of. The election should be held this year for the sake of our part 6 seniors
Another ifumsaite who is not heavily invested in the situation but feels that it is better to hold elections next year for better preparations.
My answer might not be based on facts because I’m not rightly informed. But I think next year would be better. This year is already ending.
This Ifumsaite believes that whatever is decided is good enough as long as it is in the best interest of the association.
What I’m saying is, I’m really not involved in the whole politics thingy, so I’m pretty much indifferent however it goes. If it wants to be extended, if the extension is not agreed upon… I just want what’s best for the department. So if they feel the tenure extension is the best thing, then they should go for it. And if they feel the constitution mandates all tenure to end in a calendar, then no wahala. So far the majority agrees and it’s the most favourable decision to be taken given the look of things
A couple of Ifumsaites also think the whole accompanying drama was unnecessary and the affairs of the association could have been handled in a better manner.
I think it was an unnecessary situation that spread anger, bitterness and hate. The election? This year..No specific reasons.
Another response that shares the same opinion
Omooo I don’t even know. I honestly find the whole drama unnecessary. As much as granting extra tenure would’ve been a good one, personally, I think for peace to reign, they should just have the election this year and get it over with. There has been enough drama already.
Well, here we have the last person’s opinion.
It’s actually quite sad to hear all the things unfolding in the association. I believe this matter can be resolved amicably. I feel it’s constitutionally right to have the election this year, we’ve always been able to vote every year so why should this year be different?. The elections should be held this year as soon as possible
There it is, dear readers. We have had a great tenure, so let’s end it on a great note.
Election is coming up soon, we will encourage every Ifumsaite to participate in the process. It is your constitutional right to vote, make sure you are a part of the decision making of the association. Apathy does not help the association to get better.
Until next time, do take care of yourself!
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