Yoruba; The Myth; The Legends

Fun Fact: Yoruba mythology has some roots (a few, but some) in Haiwaan mythology. So if you’ve watched Moana and love Hawaiian mythology, well, well, well… what can I say except “You’re welcome.”

Growing up, one of my favorite things to do was read the mythology stories on Encarta kids. The stories of the Greek and Egyptian gods and goddesses endlessly amused me. The Egyptians thought the sun travelled in a chariot? Lol, didn’t they go to primary school? Obviously the sun revolved round the moon. I would go about laughing in snide derision at the wonderful myths. “Hello, mum, did you know the Greeks thought that the Pharaoh needed jewels a…” As you can probably tell, I was an insufferable little kid (sue me!) and grew up to be only a somewhat less insufferable little adult.

When I found out my own people, the genealogy by which I came to be, had their own stories and weird myths to tell, it was one of the best discoveries of my childhood. The gods and goddesses of Yorubaland were every bit as interesting as the Roman, Greek, or Norse gods or goddesses.

The story begins in the heart of Yorubaland, Ife. Okay, it actually doesn’t start in Ife. But Ife is pretty important in this whole thing, okay? So here I sit, in the heart of Yorubaland, my motherland, writing the stories my foremothers and forefathers passed down by word of mouth. I am in Ife, also the centre for MediVoice. You’d think I’d feel this deep sense of connection as the songs of the gods pour out of invisible speakers and light comes out of nowhere. Or something. But oh well, it still is, rather exciting.

So we shall now embark on a journey into the world of gods. And goddesses! And women! And men! I hope you’re as excited as I am because I’m at the pretty normal level of excitement for this sort of thing. Which is a lot!

Author’s note: The posts are really not going to be as self-centred as this one. My life is pretty interesting (although many of my non-existent friends beg to differ). But we’re talking about the significantly more interesting Yòrúba gods.

E je ka lo!

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