5 Tips on Building your Self-Worth

Self-esteem is what you think and feel about yourself; the manner in which you evaluate yourself and your abilities.

Self-worth is the unshakeable belief you have about yourself that you are valuable and deserve love regardless of how you feel about yourself.

It is important for you to have a very strong sense of self-worth because there will always be situations where you do not feel good about yourself. In such circumstances, it is important to know your worth and believe you deserve every good thing in life.

Not everyone naturally has high self-worth, and a lot of who we are gets influenced by our family and our environment growing up. However, your self-worth is something that you can build on, and it has many health benefits in the long run.

1. Highlight what you are good at

Most times, our self-esteem depends on how good we feel about ourselves in a particular situation. If you are not a good dancer and you are asked to dance in front of a lot of people, you would most likely feel bad about yourself and question your abilities. The best thing is to determine the things you do very well and enjoy doing, and do these things often. Having confidence in your abilities would directly translate to having confidence in yourself as a whole.

2. Have a success file

Sometimes, we get so caught up in the race called life that we forget to slow down and enjoy the little moments, the little wins. 

Create a folder of photos of any achievement you have made that you are proud of. That competition you worked on for weeks and won, that event you organized that was a success. Anytime you feel your self-doubt creeping in, take a look at these photos. Just the act of reminding yourself that you are a smart accomplished person can go a long way.

3. Be nice

You do not even have to start with yourself before you can start building your self-worth. Take out time to do a nice deed or two. Doing a favour for someone makes the person feel good, and in return makes you feel good about yourself. Volunteer for a cause you care about, compliment someone, pay for someone’s meal. Take your attention off yourself and your insecurities and take the time to notice the people around you.

4. Fake it

Why would you say someone has high self-worth? Is it in the way they present themselves to the world? Yes. Sometimes, you need to first work on your self-confidence to help build your self-worth. You can start by taking note of your posture. Stand up straight with your chest out. People with low self-esteem tend to take up as little space as they can. Do the opposite, own your environment. Also, when sharing your opinions, speak with the assurance that your thoughts deserve to be heard.

5. Stop comparing yourself to others

Be you. No one else can have the same personality and skills that you do. Stop comparing yourself to others and measuring your success based on what others have accomplished. Doing so would only increase your negative self-talk and lead to stress and anxiety. Focus on your goals

Be you. No one else can have the same personality and skills that you do. Stop comparing yourself to others and measuring your success based on what others have accomplished. Doing so would only increase your negative self-talk and lead to stress and anxiety. Focus on your goals

Improving your self-worth takes a lot of time and effort but by taking little steps every day, and taking stock of your feelings in any situation, you are on your way to becoming the best version of yourself.

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