Meet Olusola – A Color Purple Aficionado.

Olusola Adebayo.

Medivoice: Again, we are here like a new moon; radiant, and shimmering. Be brightened by our radiance as you meet our amazing guest, Olusola Adebayo of the tenacious class. Kindly introduce yourself to the house ?

POTW: I am Olusola Adebayo of Unicus (Part 3 class). I am a native, and resident of Ogun state.

Medivoice: Greatest Ogun in and out. Do you have any leadership role within or outside IFUMSA?

POTW: I basically have a ‘mini’ leadership role outside IFUMSA.

Medivoice: Okay. Can you tell us the ‘mini’ role?

POTW: Yeah. I am the Assistant Class Coordinator, DLCF, Health Sciences.

Medivoice: Wow! Moving further, Olusola what academic class has been your best so far, and why?

POTW: My current class- 300level.
So far, I’ve enjoyed it better than my other classes. The class schedule is really less stressful although the work load is more. Besides, I think I enjoy more of the concept of what I am learning.

Medivoice: It seems the odd number classes are usually this way. Less stressful and interesting. Your worst class so far and why?

POTW: 200 level.
I found it so difficult, especially the first half of it. Most likely because we were new to it.

Medivoice: Even (2&4) ones should probably mend their ways, I advise. However, why medicine?

POTW: I guess it’s been a long time wish for me to be a doctor. Also, I didn’t see any other course I could study again (aside maybe Mathematics). Moreover, I watched some movies that intensified my love for medicine😂. I also believe this is where GOD would have me be.
Wow! I seem to have a lot of reasons😂

Medivoice: I wanted to say the last sentence, but you said it already. I must say these reasons are enough to keep one in motion, even under the influence of external forces. We are curious as to what you would have done instead of medicine?

POTW: I would have maybe majored in Mathematics.

Medivoice: Amazing! So, what specialty are you looking at?

POTW: Cardiothoracic Surgery (This might change though, we shall see).

Medivoice: We have been meeting people who are interested in surgery these days, especially cardio-thorasic surgery. People are now intrigued by the heart, not the brain as usual. Next, asides medicine what other things do you do?

POTW: I crochet😊, church activities too, I’m also in some organizations. Sometimes, I also obsess over the colour ‘purple💜’😂

Medivoice: The third one, we shall think about it. Your favorite book or author and why?

POTW: My favorite Author is Karen Kingsbury, I love her novels.
Besides,The Kneeling Christian is one of my favorite books too. It’s by a different author(Unknown Christian, his name was later mentioned though) and it’s not a novel.

Medivoice: Cool! Now, to the crush sessions. First, who is your celebrity crush?

POTW: None.

Medivoice: Okay. Next, your College crush.

POTW: Honestly, I don’t have one.

Medivoice: Olusola, Not even one? Okay. What about senior colleague(s) you admire?

POTW: Owootomo Jolaoluwa, Orojo Bamidele and other DLCF health sciences senior colleagues.

Medivoice: The number of senior colleagues you admire actually filled the spaces of college and celebrity crush. Are you in a romantic relationship or you are still with the Greeks?

POTW: No, I am not in a romantic relationship.

Medivoice: Nice! What has been your worst experience so far on OAU campus?

POTW: Part 2 MB period was a really difficult time for me, but I’m not sure I want to call it my ‘worst experience.’

Medivoice: Again, part 2 be friendly. Would you rather read in college library or HSLT or in the coziness of your room?

POTW: My room, in fact in its coziness.

Medivoice: Steeplechase or Viva, which do you prefer?

POTW: Unambiguously viva.

Medivoice: Okay, so tell us a fun fact about you.

POTW: Garri(drinking) is basically my best food😌

Medivoice: lol, I understand. Your dream country for vacation is?


Medivoice: Are we missing something? So many people want to go to the US, and here we are. What is your perception about life?

POTW: Irrespective of how difficult life seems, Doing life with JESUS makes it so much easier and enjoyable☺️😍. You really should try it out too, if you are not already doing that.

Medivoice: Great perception you’ve got. A Shout out?

POTW: To all Unicus and Dentistry class members, my close friends, and senior colleagues who have been of help to me one way or the other. love you all❤️

Medivoice: This is really a shout out. Also, a message for Ifumsaites.

POTW: We all are going to be doctors in the end by GOD’S Grace. Just keep pushing🤍!

Medivoice: Ifumsaites keep pushing, las las we are all going to be doctors. Final words for medivoice.

POTW: Well done! You guys✨ You are doing such a great job, and thank you for this opportunity.

Medivoice: Thank you for responding too.
Intellectuals! We have come to the end of this amazing session. Look forward to more sizzling, mesmerizing, and tantalizing episodes of personality of the week. Till then, sleep well! Eat well! Stay safe!

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