In The Silence — Entwined

Entwined trees

You are loved, regardless.

Your swaying trunks, like a gentle breeze, muse me.

Your delicate leaves comfort me;

I wonder how strong you could be,

yet your strength astonishes me.

Your contentment shines through,

even on days with cloudy skies, your joy persists.

Dancing skillfully in the wind,

with grace, unfaltering,

lulling to the tune of melody.

For you’re stronger than you seem —

Our time together was short,

still, you placed your hands on my heart before reaching for my soul.

You didn’t call me beautiful first;

dainty, you said, and I knew I found home.

Heartfelt — I swear you would smile if you could;

I imagine your radiant smile.

Would it be as carefree as you?

But even the strongest branches bend with silent tears.

And it hurts to bear the weight of resilience.

So, maybe sometimes you do want to be seen.

Maybe it hurts to be that strong.

Maybe you want my hand in yours, entwined — while we sashay to the wind.

Hands in hand, with our hearts full,

sharing the secret to love.

For you are my roots,

my tree and trunks.

And I am yours,

Your rays,

and light.

The gentle sway of branches echoes the tender touch of love. In the silence, entwined hearts find solace, like trees finding peace in the stillness of dawn. “In the Silence — Entwined” is a heartfelt exploration of love, resilience and connection. This poem delves into the intricate waltz between two souls. Finally weaving together the beauty of nature and depths of human emotions.

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