It’s March and today we’re talking about marching, I mean matching patterns😁. When it comes to patterns it is one thing to be bold and confident enough to…
Val and Fantasies
I won’t lie, my defences have slowly started to crumble, he’s really likeable and damn cute.
I’m here to remind you to afford your hair some tender love and care too, otherwise it would dry out and break and you might experience traumatising hair loss. Luckily here are six protective hairstyles to try out so you don’t experience such trauma.
Colour Pop!
You’ve made it to the MediVoice fashion column and we’re starting the year on a colourful note, literally!
A simple riddle
I am something, I give faith wings to fly and faith in turn makes me real, what am I?
Be Spectacular!
Now when I say specs I don’t mean the specification or requirements of the person you’d like to date although I’m in the TFRH gang all the way (Tall Fair Rich and Handsome😋). By specs, I actually mean glasses, spectacles.
Of Victory and Fashion.
Shoes are an important part of how you look, good shoes take you to good places and when you talk about good shoes you can’t leave out Nike.